Patent Landscape Analytics Report

James H. Moeller - Alpha Data IQ LLC -
Date: 2023-04-07

How to Use this report:

  • See the Overview section for the principle report takeaways.

  • Use the Table of Contents below to navigate to specific sections by clicking on the headings.

  • This HTML report provides interactive figures and tables, with mouse-over, zoom-able data display, and searchable, sort-able tables. This provides the user with the capability to interactively explore the patent document landscape information and the analytical results.

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  • This report is updated on an as-needed basis.


  • Domain Collection: The principle focus of this report is to create a slightly narrowed patent analytics landscape around the wearable medical and wearable healthcare technology domain. The domain collection for this report was created using the keyword phrases shown below as the boolean query into Google’s BigQuery ‘patents.publications’ dataset. Patent documents included in the domain collection are those that match the boolean query (below) in either the document title, abstract, or claims, but NOT in the description section. This patent landscape analytics report is slightly narrower than the initial version of this report that was published on my Medium media channel as Connected Health Wearables Patent Landscape or on my Moeller Ventures website as Health / Medical Wearables Patent Landscape - Keyword / Key Phrase Domain Collection . These other reports matched these exact keyword phrases across the titles, abstracts, claims, and also the patent document descriptions. The emphasis of this report in narrowing the query to only the titles, abstracts, and claims is to attempt to better identify the patent documents with inventions that focus on wearable health and medical technology, and not include patent documents that simply mention wearable health or medical technology as part of some background or overview explanation included in the patent document description section. The patent documents query was executed on a worldwide basis across all US and international patent documents contained in Google’s dataset.

    • wearable medical” OR "wearable health" – matched on a worldwide basis in patent documents title, abstract, or claims, but NOT the description section.

    • The resulting domain collection consists of 1,425 total documents of which there are 1,107 patent applications and 447 granted patents.

  • Patenting Activity: The first patent application in this technology domain was filed in December of 1984, publication # US4640445A , for a portable and wearable medial fluid injector, and has the earliest priority date of December 1983. This patent was filed and subsequently granted to Nikkiso Co Ltd., which is a Japanese medical device company. However, patenting activity was non-existent until 1992, when the next patent was filed (publication # JPH0622981A ) for a wearable medical glove. Patenting activity remained quite low until approximately 2011, with a more substantial increase in activity beginning in 2014 and continuing through the present day. The vast majority of the patents in this domain collection have been filed from 2014 through today. The most recently granted patent contained in the domain collection is from November 2022. See the Domain Collection Date Coverage Table and the Patenting Trends Timeline for the Domain Collection .

  • Patenting Trends: The pendency period for granted patents, over the most active years starting in 2014 (to ~2020), looks to be approximately 22 to 30 months, which indicates that the most recent ~2+ years of data in the patenting trend charts ( Patenting Trends Timeline for the Domain Collection ), 2020-2023, are likely incomplete data. As a result, the Applications and Granted Patents Timeline is indicating relatively flat, but still elevated, patent application filing trends with approximately 160 to 175 new applications filed annually. The granted patent approval percentage trend since 2014 has also remained relatively flat at approximately 30%-35%, which is a fairly nominal approval rate across life science IP markets. See the Approval Rate (%) and Pendency Period charts. The relatively high-level but flat filing trends combined with the flat approval rate together indicate a competitive but stable patenting environment.

  • Top Inventors & Their Assignees: The top inventors in this domain collection all come from Zoll Medical Corporation , which also happens to be the top assignee in this IP sector (see below). In particular, the top two inventors standout more notably as being named on considerably more patent documents than even the 3 rd ranked inventor. The top inventor is Thomas Kaib, named on 125 patent document. Mr. Kaib is the former, now retired, Vice President of Engineering for Zoll Medical, where he worked for over 28 years. The 2 nd ranked inventor is Shane Volpe, who is named on 93 patent documents. Mr, Volpe looks to currently be an engineering manager for Zoll Medical, and has worked for the company for almost 19 years. The 3 rd rank inventor is Gary Freeman, named on 42 patent documents, and is currently the Vice President of Technology for Zoll Medical, where he’s worked for 34 years. See the Top Inventors and Principal Assignees table for more information and the complete list of 1,712 inventors.

  • IP Competitive Landscape (Top Assignees): The top assignee in this domain collection is clearly Zoll Medical Corporation , which is listed on four times as many patent documents than even the 2 nd ranked assignee. Zoll Medical Corporation is a division of Asahi Kasei Corporation , which is a Japanese multi-national conglomerate headquartered in Tokyo Japan. Zoll Medical focuses on medical devices, software, and related services to treat cardiopulmonary and respiratory conditions. The company is headquartered in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. The 2 nd ranked assignee is West Affum Holdings Corporation. While publicly available information on West Affum Holdings is quite limited, it looks to be a patent holding company incorporated in the Grand Cayman Islands . There doesn’t seem to be significant evidence that West Affum is pursuing a licensing or litigation business model, but those remain as potential risks to this IP sector should West Affum begin enforcing its patent rights. The 3 rd ranked assignee is Becton, Dickinson and Company, now known simply as BD . Becton Dickinson is a global medical technology conglomerate that manufactures and sells medical devices, instrument systems, and reagents. The company is headquartered in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. The 4 th ranked assignee is Philips , which is a global electronics and medical device conglomerate headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The 5 th ranked assignee is Healthwatch Ltd. , which is a relatively smaller technology company focused on sensors, analytics, medical devices and is headquartered in Kfar Saba, Israel. See the Top Assignees table for more information and the complete list of 568 assignees.

  • Top Cited Patent Documents & Citation Assignees: The top 5 most-cited patent document references derived in the analytics report (publication #s US5078134A , US6681003B2 , US4928690A , US6065154A , US5944669A ), are all listed as assigned to Lifecor, Inc., which is a company that was acquired by Zoll Medical in 2006 . So effectively the top 7 most-cited patent document references are assigned to Zoll Medical. In addition, citations assigned to Lifecor, Zoll Medical, or Zoll Medical’s individual inventors are prevalent through the top 15 most-cited patent document references. See the Top 100 Patent Document Citations table for more information. However, when the top 100 patent document citations are sorted by assignee, it is Corventis, Inc. that shows as having the most significant patent portfolio position within the citations of the domain collection. Corventis focuses on wireless technologies for applications treating cardiovascular disease. Corventis was actually acquired by Medtronic in 2014. The breadth of Corventis citations in the domain collection likely emphasizes the significance of wireless technologies in the wearable medical and health IP segment. Lifecore and Zoll Medical also show as having significant positions in the patent documents cited within the domain collection. See the Top Patent Document Citations, Sorted by Assignee table for more information.

Table of Contents:

  • Summary of All Patent Documents in the Domain Collection

    • Provides an interactive, searchable, sort-able table of all patent documents in the analysis domain collection, including a variety of metadata fields pertaining to the documents. The titles, abstracts, and claims of the patent documents are also provided and can be further queried via the column-specific and overall search capabilities. This interactive table is useful in executing additional queries on the entire domain collection, such as keyword or key phrase queries on claims to find specific claims of interest, finding patent documents from specific inventors or assignees, or searching and sorting on various date fields such as filing date, grant date, or earliest priority date.

    • Duplicate patent documents, potentially filed with various international patenting authorities, have been deleted. So, there’s only one representative patent document per patent family.

    • Provides a table summarizing the date coverage, listing the earliest and most recent dates for filed patent applications, published documents, granted patents, and priority dates. This table provides some basic context to help profile the domain collection and summarizes the date ranges of documents included in the analysis.

  • Domain Collection Geographic Coverage

    • Provides a table summarizing the geographic distribution of patent applications and granted patents by country contained in the domain collection. This table is also provided to help profile the documents included in the analysis.

  • Patent Documents with English Sections by Country

    • Provides a table showing the geographic breakdown of the number patent documents with English abstracts, descriptions, and claims. This table is also designed to help profile the domain collection and provide context on the English-searchable sections of the patent documents from which semantic search results can be derived.

  • Patenting Trends Timeline for the Domain Collection

    • Provides timeline of the number of patent applications and granted patents, and thus shows a concise view of the historic patenting trends embodied in the domain collection. In addition, line charts show the timelines for the approval percentages and pendency periods. These charts can be used to assess the competitive nature of the patenting environment for the domain collection IP segment.

  • Top Inventors and Principal Assignees

    • Provides a table of the top inventors listed on the patent applications contained in the domain collection and essentially identifies the top intellectual property experts of the domain area profiled. This table also lists the entities (corporations, educational institutions, etc.) to which those inventors have assigned the predominant number of patent applications, and thus identifies relationships between inventors and those assignees.

  • Top Assignees

    • Provides a table of the top assignees of patent applications contained in the domain collection and largely represents the competitive landscape from an intellectual property perspective. These assignees are the corporations, educational institutions, individuals, and other entities, that are involved in the IP sector, and thus may also be prospective development partners, investors, IP acquirers, or IP acquisition targets.

    • This table can also be helpful in identifying entities that may be patent holding companies, otherwise know as non-practicing entities (NPEs). These companies typically acquire or develop IP portfolios and then employ licensing or litigation business models that can increase costs and risks for other companies competing in the IP sector.

    • Finally, a review of the companies in the lower quartiles of this list can also identify start-ups and emerging companies that are just beginning to established patent portfolios in the IP sector.

  • Top 100 Patent Document Citations

    • Provides a table of the top 100 most cited patent document references across the domain collection and is designed to identify the most significant patent documents to the domain area profiled.

    • A cited patent document is typically a patent application or granted patent that is considered as significant (prior art, or in some way relevant) to the patent document that cites it. This table below thus represents the list of most cited patent document references on patent documents in the domain collection. These cited patent documents may or may not be in the domain collection, but nonetheless represent notable references relevant to the domain collection.

  • Top Patent Document Citations, Sorted by Assignee

    • Provides a table with the same information as the previous Top Patent Document Citations table, except this table is sorted by assignee and is designed to identify the assignees with most significant intellectual property positions across the domain collection based on the total number of citations. This table aims to clearly show the corporations, educational institutions, individuals, or other entities that have broad positions in the IP sector profiled by the domain collection.

  • Top Non-Patent Literature Citations

    • Provides a table that identifies the most cited non-patent literature references across the domain collection and is designed to identify the most significant references beyond the patent document citations.

  • Top Inventive CPC Group Code Numbers

    • Provides a table of the top inventive CPC group codes and CPC group numbers (and respective CPC titles) that are assigned to patent documents included in the domain collection. This table essentially provides two levels of description into the inventive ideas embodied in the domain collection and is designed to provide some technological descriptive context to the patent documents of the IP segment profiled.

Summary of All Patent Documents in the Domain Collection
  • Provides an interactive, searchable, sort-able table of all patent documents in the analysis domain collection, including a variety of metadata fields pertaining to the documents. The titles, abstracts, and claims of the patent documents are also provided and can be further queried via the column-specific and overall search capabilities. This interactive table is useful in executing additional queries on the entire domain collection, such as keyword or key phrase queries on claims to find specific claims of interest, finding patent documents from specific inventors or assignees, or searching and sorting on various date fields such as filing date, grant date, or earliest priority date.
  • Click on any column heading to sort.
  • Use the Search box above any column to search specifically on that column.
  • Multiple concurrent column searches will produce results that are the logical AND'ed combination of the separate column searches.
  • Use the Search box at the top right to search across the entire table.
  • Use the Hide/Show control below to selectively display desired columns. Green highlighted column names are shown. Red highlighted column names are hidden. Clicking on a green highlighed column name will hide that column. Clicking on a red highlighted column name will show that column.
  • The patent document publication numbers ("Pat Pub Num Linked") are hyperlinked to the Google Patents page that shows the complete patent document.
  • Duplicate patent documents, potentially filed with various international patenting authorities, have been deleted. So, there’s only one representative patent document per patent family.

Index Publication Date Pat Pub Num Linked Pat Pub Num Google Link PatApp Filing Date Patent Grant Date Pendency Months of GrantedPatent Patent Priority Date Pat App Num Country Patent Country Code Patent Family ID Assignee Names Inventors Names Patent Kind Code Patent Application Kind Patent App Num Formatted Patent PCT Number Patent Title Patent Title Language Patent Abstract Text Patent Abstract Language Patent Claims Text Patent Claims Language IPC Class Codes CPC Class Codes

Date Coverage
  • This is a table summarizing the date coverage, listing the earliest and most recent dates for filed patent applications, published documents, granted patents, and priority dates. This table provides some basic context to help profile the domain collection and summarizes the date ranges of documents included in the analysis.

Geographic Coverage
  • Provides a table summarizing the geographic distribution of patent applications and granted patents by country contained in the domain collection. This table is also provided to help profile the documents included in the analysis.
  • Google's BigQuery 'patents.publications' data table contains full text information (titles, abstracts, descriptions, and claims) on US patent documents but only titles and abstracts on international patent documents. As of the date of this report, the BigQuery data table does not contain full text descriptions and claims for international patent documents. As a result, the geographic coverage insights can vary depending on the type of query that was used to generate the domain collection. Semantic keyword or key phrase matching queries that include international patent documents, only query and match those keywords and phrases across the titles and abstracts of those international documents. Thus, the results for semantic queries may be biased toward US patent documents.
  • Total number of patent applications = 1,107
  • Total number of granted patents = 447
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Country Country Code Number of Patent Apps Number of Granted Patents
0 United States of America US 517 265
1 China, Peoples Republic of CN 290 143
2 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) WO 106 0
3 European Patent Office (EPO) EP 66 11
4 Canada CA 27 10
5 South Korea KR 27 7
6 Japan JP 22 1
7 Australia AU 19 7
8 Taiwan TW 13 1
9 United Kingdom GB 7 0
10 Israel IL 3 0
11 Russian Federation RU 2 2
12 India IN 2 0
13 Singapore SG 2 0
14 Eurasian Patent Organization EA 1 0
15 South Africa ZA 1 0
16 Poland PL 1 0
17 Mexico MX 1 0

Geographic Breakdown of English Patent Document Sections
  • Provides a table showing the geographic breakdown of the number patent documents with English abstracts, descriptions, and claims. This table is also designed to help profile the domain collection and provide context on the English-searchable sections of the patent documents from which semantic search results can be derived.
  • This geographic breakdown of the available English sections of the domain collection patent documents is designed to show the extent to which semantic search queries and results may be limited due to the dataset limitations of Google’s BigQuery ‘patents.publications’ data table. The BigQuery ‘patents.publications’ data table contains full text information (titles, abstracts, descriptions, and claims) on US patent documents but only titles and abstracts on international patent documents. As of the date of this report, the BigQuery data table does not contain full text descriptions and claims for international patent documents.
  • Total number of patent applications with English abstracts = 1,355
  • Total number of patent applications with English descriptions = 739
  • Total number of patent applications with English claims = 739
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Country Country Code Num Patent Docs English Abstract Num Patent Docs English Desc Num Patent Docs English Claims
0 United States of America US 722 739 739
1 China, Peoples Republic of CN 329 0 0
2 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) WO 118 0 0
3 European Patent Office (EPO) EP 72 0 0
4 Canada CA 30 0 0
5 Australia AU 23 0 0
6 Japan JP 22 0 0
7 South Korea KR 21 0 0
8 Taiwan TW 9 0 0
9 United Kingdom GB 3 0 0
10 Russian Federation RU 2 0 0
11 India IN 2 0 0
12 Eurasian Patent Organization EA 1 0 0
13 Mexico MX 1 0 0

Patenting Trends of the Domain Collection
  • Shows a bar chart timeline of the number of patent applications and granted patents, and provides a concise view of the historic patenting trends embodied in the domain collection. In addition, line charts show the timelines for the approval percentages and pendency periods. These charts can be used to assess the competitive nature of the patenting environment for the domain collection IP segment.
  • More specifically, the bar chart shows the number of patent applications filed on an annual basis beginning with the earliest application in the domain collection and ending with the most recent filing in the domain collection.
  • The granted patent totals have been time-shifted so that the granted patents align with the corresponding applications and thus correctly reflect the granted patents resulting from the applications of a given year.
  • The pendency period line chart can be used to assess the validity of the data shown in the applications and granted patents bar chart as well as the approval percentages line chart. For example, with most patenting authorities, such as the USPTO, there is some delay in publishing patent applications and typically a longer time period between application and granted patent (pendency time). For the USPTO, most patent applications are published 18 months after the filing date and pendency times for granted patents can be 24 months or longer. This typically indicates that the most recent 18 to 24+ months of data reflects only partial results.
  • Note that the horizontal axis may not reflect a consecutive linear year progression if there were years where there was no patenting activity and no data exists.
  • If the domain collection represents a mix of international patent documents, note that these patent documents are often subject to varying examination and approval procedures of different worldwide patenting authorities, which can result in skewed data for the charts below. For example, patent documents from China, that utilize China's utility model patent process, can have notably shorter pendency periods, which can skew the pendency results shown below.

Top Inventors and the Principal Assignees
  • This table identifies the top inventors listed on the patent applications contained in the domain collection and essentially identifies the top intellectual property experts of the domain area profiled. This table also lists the entities (corporations, educational institutions, etc.) to which those inventors have assigned the predominant number of patent applications, and thus identifies relationships between inventors and those assignees.
  • The “Total Num of Patent Docs” column indicates the total number of patent applications on which the individual is listed as an inventor. The default sorting of the table is on this column in descending order.
  • The “Num of Patent Docs per Assignee” column indicates the number of patent applications, on which the individual is listed as an inventor, that have been assigned to the indicated assignee.
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Inventor Name Total Num of Patent Docs Assignee Names Num of Patent Docs Per Assignee

Top Assignees
  • Provides a table of the top assignees of patent applications contained in the domain collection and largely represents the competitive landscape from an intellectual property perspective. These assignees are the corporations, educational institutions, individuals, and other entities, that are involved in the IP sector, and thus may also be prospective development partners, investors, IP acquirers, or IP acquisition targets.
  • This table can also be helpful in identifying entities that may be patent holding companies, otherwise know as non-practicing entities (NPEs). These companies typically acquire or develop IP portfolios and then employ licensing or litigation business models that can increase costs and risks for other companies competing in the IP sector.
  • Finally, a review of the companies in the lower quartiles of this list can also identify start-ups and emerging companies that are just beginning to established patent portfolios in the IP sector.
  • The “Total Num of Patent Docs per Assignee” column indicates the total number of applications that have been assigned to the indicated assignee.
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Assignee Name Total Num of Patent Docs per Assignee

Top Patent Document Citations
  • Provides a table of the top 100 most cited patent document references across the domain collection and is designed to identify the most significant patent documents to the domain area profiled.
  • A cited patent document is typically a patent application or granted patent that is considered as significant (prior art, or in some way relevant) to the patent document that cites it. This table below thus represents the list of most cited patent document references on patent documents in the domain collection. These cited patent documents may or may not be in the domain collection, but nonetheless represent notable references relevant to the domain collection.
  • The “Number of Patent Docs” column indicates the number of times the citation was referenced across all applications in the domain collection.
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Citation Publication Num Linked Number of Patent Docs Publication Date Citation Title Assignees
0 US-5078134-A 75 1992-01-07 Portable device for sensing cardiac function and automatically delivering electrical therapy Lifecor, Inc.
1 US-6681003-B2 75 2004-01-20 Data collection and system management for patient-worn medical devices Lifecor, Inc.
2 US-4928690-A 74 1990-05-29 Portable device for sensing cardiac function and automatically delivering electrical therapy Lifecor, Inc.
3 US-6065154-A 73 2000-05-23 Support garments for patient-worn energy delivery apparatus Lifecor, Inc.
4 US-5944669-A 68 1999-08-31 Apparatus and method for sensing cardiac function Lifecor, Inc.
5 US-2003158593-A1 66 2003-08-21 Cardiac garment Heilman Marlin S., Oskin Emil D., Skalos Philip C.
6 US-2011288605-A1 66 2011-11-24 Wearable ambulatory medical device with multiple sensing electrodes Zoll Medical Corporation
7 US-2009076559-A1 65 2009-03-19 Adherent Device for Cardiac Rhythm Management Corventis, Inc.
8 US-6280461-B1 64 2001-08-28 Patient-worn energy delivery apparatus Lifecor, Inc.
9 US-2011288604-A1 63 2011-11-24 Wearable therapeutic device Kaib Thomas E, Shane Volpe, Emil Oskin
10 US-7974689-B2 63 2011-07-05 Wearable medical treatment device with motion/position detection Zoll Medical Corporation
11 US-2010298899-A1 63 2010-11-25 Wearable medical treatment device Donnelly Edward J, Kaib Thomas E, Linder Marshal W, Szymkiewicz Steven J, Whiting Jason T, Shane Volpe
12 US-5741306-A 63 1998-04-21 Patient-worn energy delivery apparatus Lifecor, Inc.
13 US-6253099-B1 62 2001-06-26 Cardiac monitoring electrode apparatus and method Lifecor, Inc.
14 US-8140154-B2 62 2012-03-20 Wearable medical treatment device Zoll Medical Corporation
15 US-2012112903-A1 58 2012-05-10 Remote medical device alarm Zoll Medical Corporation
16 US-2012158075-A1 58 2012-06-21 Water resistant wearable medical device Kaib Thomas E, Volpe Shane S, Clark John G
17 US-5348008-A 57 1994-09-20 Cardiorespiratory alert system Somnus Corporation
18 US-2008033495-A1 57 2008-02-07 External Defibrillator Kumar Uday N
19 US-2003004547-A1 56 2003-01-02 Defibrillation system Owen James M., Fincke Randall W., O'leary James P., Totman Mark H.
20 US-2009076349-A1 56 2009-03-19 Adherent Multi-Sensor Device with Implantable Device Communication Capabilities Corventis, Inc.
21 US-2009076341-A1 55 2009-03-19 Adherent Athletic Monitor Corventis, Inc.
22 US-2009076346-A1 55 2009-03-19 Tracking and Security for Adherent Patient Monitor Corventis, Inc.
23 US-2009076342-A1 55 2009-03-19 Adherent Multi-Sensor Device with Empathic Monitoring Corventis, Inc.
24 US-2009076343-A1 55 2009-03-19 Energy Management for Adherent Patient Monitor Corventis, Inc.
25 US-2009076397-A1 55 2009-03-19 Adherent Emergency Patient Monitor Corventis, Inc.
26 US-2009292194-A1 54 2009-11-26 Chiropractic Care Management Systems and Methods Corventis, Inc.
27 US-2003095648-A1 53 2003-05-22 Fault-tolerant remote reprogramming for a patient-worn medical device Lifecor, Inc.
28 US-2009073991-A1 53 2009-03-19 Dynamic Pairing of Patients to Data Collection Gateways Corventis, Inc.
29 US-2005131465-A1 53 2005-06-16 Integrated resuscitation Freeman Gary A., Mark Totman
30 US-8271082-B2 53 2012-09-18 Medical device configured to test for user responsiveness Zoll Medical Corporation
31 US-2009076336-A1 52 2009-03-19 Medical Device Automatic Start-up Upon Contact to Patient Tissue Corventis, Inc.
32 US-2010234716-A1 52 2010-09-16 Method and Apparatus for Monitoring Fluid Content within Body Tissues Corventis, Inc.
33 US-2010056881-A1 52 2010-03-04 Method and Apparatus For Acute Cardiac Monitoring Corventis, Inc.
34 US-2009234410-A1 52 2009-09-17 Heart Failure Decompensation Prediction Based on Cardiac Rhythm Corventis, Inc.
35 US-2003212311-A1 52 2003-11-13 Therapy-delivering portable medical device capable of triggering and communicating with an alarm system Medtronic Physio-Control Manufacturing Corp.
36 US-2009076363-A1 51 2009-03-19 Adherent Device with Multiple Physiological Sensors Corventis, Inc.
37 US-6804554-B2 50 2004-10-12 Arrangement and system for enabling patient control of electrical therapies Medtronic, Inc.
38 US-5929601-A 50 1999-07-27 Battery management apparatus for portable electronic devices Lifecor, Inc.
39 US-2009275848-A1 50 2009-11-05 Cardiac Risk Assessment Transoma Medical, Inc.
40 US-2009076350-A1 50 2009-03-19 Data Collection in a Multi-Sensor Patient Monitor Corventis, Inc.
41 US-2009264792-A1 50 2009-10-22 Method and Apparatus to Measure Bioelectric Impedance of Patient Tissue Corventis, Inc.
42 US-2009076345-A1 50 2009-03-19 Adherent Device with Multiple Physiological Sensors Corventis, Inc.
43 US-2009076364-A1 50 2009-03-19 Adherent Device for Sleep Disordered Breathing Corventis, Inc.
44 US-7831303-B2 49 2010-11-09 Cardiac pacing apparatus and method for continuous capture management Medtronic, Inc.
45 US-7149579-B1 49 2006-12-12 System and method for determining patient posture based on 3-D trajectory using an implantable medical device Pacesetter, Inc.
46 US-2009076405-A1 49 2009-03-19 Adherent Device for Respiratory Monitoring Corventis, Inc.
47 US-2005049515-A1 49 2005-03-03 Electrode belt for acquisition, processing and transmission of cardiac (ECG) signals Dale Julian Misczynski, Vladislav Bukhman, Sergii Tymoshok, Dmytro Tymoshok, Oleg Sychov
48 US-7340296-B2 49 2008-03-04 Detection of pleural effusion using transthoracic impedance Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc.
49 US-2009076344-A1 49 2009-03-19 Multi-Sensor Patient Monitor to Detect Impending Cardiac Decompensation Corventis, Inc.
50 US-2009076340-A1 49 2009-03-19 Adherent Cardiac Monitor with Advanced Sensing Capabilities Corventis, Inc.
51 US-7220235-B2 49 2007-05-22 Method and apparatus for enhancement of chest compressions during CPR Zoll Medical Corporation
52 US-7453354-B2 49 2008-11-18 Device arranged for carrying out a bioelectrical interaction with an individual and a method for on-demand lead-off detection Koninklijke Philips Electronics, N.V.
53 US-2012150008-A1 49 2012-06-14 Electrode with redundant impedance reduction Kaib Thomas E, Volpe Shane S, Emil Oskin
54 US-6908437-B2 49 2005-06-21 System and method for diagnosing and monitoring congestive heart failure for automated remote patient care Cardiac Intelligence Corporation
55 US-2008312709-A1 49 2008-12-18 Wearable medical treatment device with motion/position detection Volpe Shane S, Macho John D, Wade Braden, Kaib Thomas E, Marshal Linder
56 US-7488293-B2 49 2009-02-10 Processing pulse signal in conjunction with accelerometer signal in cardiac resuscitation Zoll Medical Corporation
57 US-2008249591-A1 49 2008-10-09 Controllers for implantable medical devices, and associated methods Northstar Neuroscience, Inc.
58 US-2008058884-A1 48 2008-03-06 Control of a defibrillator and/or pacemaker Matos Jeffrey A
59 US-6827695-B2 48 2004-12-07 Method of determining depth of compressions during cardio-pulmonary resuscitation Revivant Corporation
60 US-8121683-B2 48 2012-02-21 External automatic defibrillator Metrax Gmbh
61 US-2006270952-A1 48 2006-11-30 Integrated resuscitation Freeman Gary A, Mark Totman, David Barash
62 US-5792190-A 48 1998-08-11 Automated external defibrillator operator interface Survivalink Corporation
63 US-2008045815-A1 48 2008-02-21 Automatic and ambulatory monitoring of congestive heart failure patients Derchak P A, Lucia Gary M, Myers Lance J
64 US-2007169364-A1 47 2007-07-26 Posture and body movement measuring system Microstrain, Inc.
65 US-2007161913-A1 47 2007-07-12 Methods and apparatus for monitoring the cardiovascular condition of patients with sleep disordered breathing Michael Farrell, Malcolm Hebblewhite, Deridre Stewart, Ann Tisthammer, Maya Vance, Robin Randolph
66 US-5738102-A 47 1998-04-14 Patient monitoring system Lemelson; Jerome H.
67 US-2009076348-A1 47 2009-03-19 Injectable Device for Physiological Monitoring Corventis, Inc.
68 US-2012011382-A1 47 2012-01-12 System and method for conserving power in a medical device Shane Volpe, Rattanni Richard A, Kaib Thomas E
69 US-2007118056-A1 47 2007-05-24 Posture detector calibration and use Hua Wang, John Hatlestad
70 US-2010069735-A1 47 2010-03-18 Device for mobile electrocardiogram recording Lior Berkner
71 US-6690969-B2 47 2004-02-10 Public access CPR and AED device Revivant Corporation
72 US-2006036292-A1 47 2006-02-16 Risk of death indicator Mitchell Smith, Mark Schwartz
73 US-6990373-B2 47 2006-01-24 Automated external defibrillator with user interface for adult and pediatric applications Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
74 US-5062834-A 47 1991-11-05 Device for dispensing a liquid particularly useful for delivering medicaments at a predetermined rate Product Development (S.G.Z.) Ltd
75 US-2009138059-A1 46 2009-05-28 Heart Defibrillator With Contactless ECG Sensor For Diagnostics/Effectivity Feedback Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
76 US-8369944-B2 46 2013-02-05 Wearable defibrillator with audio input/output Zoll Medical Corporation
77 US-2008030656-A1 46 2008-02-07 Transflective lc display with internal reflector and reflective polarizer 3M Innovative Properties Company
78 US-2007265671-A1 46 2007-11-15 Selectable switching of implantable sensors to provide fault toleance for implantable medical devices Roberts Jonathan P, Wold W W, Zillmer Glenn C
79 US-2009093687-A1 46 2009-04-09 Systems and methods for determining a physiological condition using an acoustic monitor Telfort Valery G, Lanzo Victor F, Welch James P
80 US-2008306560-A1 46 2008-12-11 Wearable defibrillator with audio input/output Macho John D, Volpe Shane S, Rattanni Richard A, Skalos Philip C, Kaib Thomas E, Marshal Linder
81 US-6016445-A 46 2000-01-18 Method and apparatus for electrode and transthoracic impedance estimation Cardiotronics
82 US-2010076513-A1 45 2010-03-25 Multiple Electrode Vectors for Implantable Cardiac Treatment Devices Cameron Health, Inc.
83 US-2007239220-A1 45 2007-10-11 Implantable medical device system and method with signal quality monitoring and response Greenhut Saul E, Stadler Robert W, Vitense Holly S
84 US-4632122-A 45 1986-12-30 Method and apparatus for conducting brain function diagnostic test Johansson Nils E, Emin Eralp, Itil Turan M
85 US-2009287120-A1 45 2009-11-19 Circulatory monitoring systems and methods Searete Llc, A Limited Liability Corporation Of The State Of Delaware
86 US-2003174049-A1 45 2003-09-18 Wearable identification appliance that communicates with a wireless communications network such as bluetooth Precision Dynamics Corporation
87 US-2008306562-A1 45 2008-12-11 Medical device configured to test for user responsiveness Donnelly Edward J, Clark John G, Szymkiewicz Steven J, Kaib Thomas E, Marshal Linder
88 US-2006085049-A1 45 2006-04-20 Active electrode, bio-impedance based, tissue discrimination system and methods of use Nervonix, Inc.
89 US-2003195567-A1 45 2003-10-16 Automated external defibrillator with user interface for adult and pediatric applications Medtronic Physio-Control Corp.
90 US-5758443-A 45 1998-06-02 Patient Identification Device Healtech S.A.
91 US-6148233-A 45 2000-11-14 Defibrillation system having segmented electrodes Cardiac Science, Inc.
92 US-4094310-A 45 1978-06-13 Apparatus for enhanced display of physiological waveforms and for defibrillation American Optical Corporation
93 US-2012146797-A1 44 2012-06-14 Wearable therapeutic device Emil Oskin, Skalos Philip C, Kaib Thomas E
94 US-2009076410-A1 44 2009-03-19 System and Methods for Wireless Body Fluid Monitoring Corventis, Inc.
95 US-6097987-A 44 2000-08-01 External defibrillator electrode apparatus Medical Research Laboratories, Inc.
96 US-6406426-B1 43 2002-06-18 Medical monitoring and alert system for use with therapeutic devices Criticare Systems
97 US-2003149462-A1 43 2003-08-07 Medical electrodes White Sheldon S., Dupelle Michael R.
98 US-2010295674-A1 42 2010-11-25 Integrated health management console Silverplus, Inc.
99 US-6390996-B1 42 2002-05-21 CPR chest compression monitor The Johns Hopkins University

Top Patent Document Citations, Sorted by Assignee
  • Provides a table with the same information as the previous Top Patent Document Citations table, except this table is sorted by assignee and is designed to identify the assignees with most significant intellectual property positions across the domain collection based on the total number of citations. This table aims to clearly show the corporations, educational institutions, individuals, or other entities that have broad positions in the IP sector profiled by the domain collection.
  • Like the previous table, the “Number of Patent Docs” column indicates the number of times the citation was referenced across all applications in the domain collection.
  • The “Tot Num of Patent Docs” column indicates the total number of patent application citations on an assignee basis. This number is computed by examining the citations per assignee and then summing the number of times those citations are referenced across the domain collection. The default sorting of the table ranks assignees in descending order of “Tot Num of Patent Docs” and thus provides an indication of the assignee’s intellectual property position in the domain area.
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Citation Publication Num Linked Number of Patent Docs Publication Date Citation Title Assignees Tot Num of Patent Docs
0 US-2009076559-A1 65 2009-03-19 Adherent Device for Cardiac Rhythm Management Corventis, Inc. 1,200
1 US-2009076349-A1 56 2009-03-19 Adherent Multi-Sensor Device with Implantable Device Communication Capabilities Corventis, Inc. 1,200
2 US-2009076341-A1 55 2009-03-19 Adherent Athletic Monitor Corventis, Inc. 1,200
3 US-2009076346-A1 55 2009-03-19 Tracking and Security for Adherent Patient Monitor Corventis, Inc. 1,200
4 US-2009076342-A1 55 2009-03-19 Adherent Multi-Sensor Device with Empathic Monitoring Corventis, Inc. 1,200
5 US-2009076343-A1 55 2009-03-19 Energy Management for Adherent Patient Monitor Corventis, Inc. 1,200
6 US-2009076397-A1 55 2009-03-19 Adherent Emergency Patient Monitor Corventis, Inc. 1,200
7 US-2009292194-A1 54 2009-11-26 Chiropractic Care Management Systems and Methods Corventis, Inc. 1,200
8 US-2009073991-A1 53 2009-03-19 Dynamic Pairing of Patients to Data Collection Gateways Corventis, Inc. 1,200
9 US-2009076336-A1 52 2009-03-19 Medical Device Automatic Start-up Upon Contact to Patient Tissue Corventis, Inc. 1,200
10 US-2010234716-A1 52 2010-09-16 Method and Apparatus for Monitoring Fluid Content within Body Tissues Corventis, Inc. 1,200
11 US-2010056881-A1 52 2010-03-04 Method and Apparatus For Acute Cardiac Monitoring Corventis, Inc. 1,200
12 US-2009234410-A1 52 2009-09-17 Heart Failure Decompensation Prediction Based on Cardiac Rhythm Corventis, Inc. 1,200
13 US-2009076363-A1 51 2009-03-19 Adherent Device with Multiple Physiological Sensors Corventis, Inc. 1,200
14 US-2009076350-A1 50 2009-03-19 Data Collection in a Multi-Sensor Patient Monitor Corventis, Inc. 1,200
15 US-2009264792-A1 50 2009-10-22 Method and Apparatus to Measure Bioelectric Impedance of Patient Tissue Corventis, Inc. 1,200
16 US-2009076345-A1 50 2009-03-19 Adherent Device with Multiple Physiological Sensors Corventis, Inc. 1,200
17 US-2009076364-A1 50 2009-03-19 Adherent Device for Sleep Disordered Breathing Corventis, Inc. 1,200
18 US-2009076405-A1 49 2009-03-19 Adherent Device for Respiratory Monitoring Corventis, Inc. 1,200
19 US-2009076344-A1 49 2009-03-19 Multi-Sensor Patient Monitor to Detect Impending Cardiac Decompensation Corventis, Inc. 1,200
20 US-2009076340-A1 49 2009-03-19 Adherent Cardiac Monitor with Advanced Sensing Capabilities Corventis, Inc. 1,200
21 US-2009076348-A1 47 2009-03-19 Injectable Device for Physiological Monitoring Corventis, Inc. 1,200
22 US-2009076410-A1 44 2009-03-19 System and Methods for Wireless Body Fluid Monitoring Corventis, Inc. 1,200
23 US-5078134-A 75 1992-01-07 Portable device for sensing cardiac function and automatically delivering electrical therapy Lifecor, Inc. 657
24 US-6681003-B2 75 2004-01-20 Data collection and system management for patient-worn medical devices Lifecor, Inc. 657
25 US-4928690-A 74 1990-05-29 Portable device for sensing cardiac function and automatically delivering electrical therapy Lifecor, Inc. 657
26 US-6065154-A 73 2000-05-23 Support garments for patient-worn energy delivery apparatus Lifecor, Inc. 657
27 US-5944669-A 68 1999-08-31 Apparatus and method for sensing cardiac function Lifecor, Inc. 657
28 US-6280461-B1 64 2001-08-28 Patient-worn energy delivery apparatus Lifecor, Inc. 657
29 US-5741306-A 63 1998-04-21 Patient-worn energy delivery apparatus Lifecor, Inc. 657
30 US-6253099-B1 62 2001-06-26 Cardiac monitoring electrode apparatus and method Lifecor, Inc. 657
31 US-2003095648-A1 53 2003-05-22 Fault-tolerant remote reprogramming for a patient-worn medical device Lifecor, Inc. 657
32 US-5929601-A 50 1999-07-27 Battery management apparatus for portable electronic devices Lifecor, Inc. 657
33 US-2011288605-A1 66 2011-11-24 Wearable ambulatory medical device with multiple sensing electrodes Zoll Medical Corporation 446
34 US-7974689-B2 63 2011-07-05 Wearable medical treatment device with motion/position detection Zoll Medical Corporation 446
35 US-8140154-B2 62 2012-03-20 Wearable medical treatment device Zoll Medical Corporation 446
36 US-2012112903-A1 58 2012-05-10 Remote medical device alarm Zoll Medical Corporation 446
37 US-8271082-B2 53 2012-09-18 Medical device configured to test for user responsiveness Zoll Medical Corporation 446
38 US-7220235-B2 49 2007-05-22 Method and apparatus for enhancement of chest compressions during CPR Zoll Medical Corporation 446
39 US-7488293-B2 49 2009-02-10 Processing pulse signal in conjunction with accelerometer signal in cardiac resuscitation Zoll Medical Corporation 446
40 US-8369944-B2 46 2013-02-05 Wearable defibrillator with audio input/output Zoll Medical Corporation 446
41 US-6804554-B2 50 2004-10-12 Arrangement and system for enabling patient control of electrical therapies Medtronic, Inc. 99
42 US-7831303-B2 49 2010-11-09 Cardiac pacing apparatus and method for continuous capture management Medtronic, Inc. 99
43 US-6827695-B2 48 2004-12-07 Method of determining depth of compressions during cardio-pulmonary resuscitation Revivant Corporation 95
44 US-6690969-B2 47 2004-02-10 Public access CPR and AED device Revivant Corporation 95
45 US-2003158593-A1 66 2003-08-21 Cardiac garment Heilman Marlin S., Oskin Emil D., Skalos Philip C. 66
46 US-2010298899-A1 63 2010-11-25 Wearable medical treatment device Donnelly Edward J, Kaib Thomas E, Linder Marshal W, Szymkiewicz Steven J, Whiting Jason T, Shane Volpe 63
47 US-2011288604-A1 63 2011-11-24 Wearable therapeutic device Kaib Thomas E, Shane Volpe, Emil Oskin 63
48 US-2012158075-A1 58 2012-06-21 Water resistant wearable medical device Kaib Thomas E, Volpe Shane S, Clark John G 58
49 US-2008033495-A1 57 2008-02-07 External Defibrillator Kumar Uday N 57
50 US-5348008-A 57 1994-09-20 Cardiorespiratory alert system Somnus Corporation 57
51 US-2003004547-A1 56 2003-01-02 Defibrillation system Owen James M., Fincke Randall W., O'leary James P., Totman Mark H. 56
52 US-2005131465-A1 53 2005-06-16 Integrated resuscitation Freeman Gary A., Mark Totman 53
53 US-2003212311-A1 52 2003-11-13 Therapy-delivering portable medical device capable of triggering and communicating with an alarm system Medtronic Physio-Control Manufacturing Corp. 52
54 US-2009275848-A1 50 2009-11-05 Cardiac Risk Assessment Transoma Medical, Inc. 50
55 US-6908437-B2 49 2005-06-21 System and method for diagnosing and monitoring congestive heart failure for automated remote patient care Cardiac Intelligence Corporation 49
56 US-7340296-B2 49 2008-03-04 Detection of pleural effusion using transthoracic impedance Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc. 49
57 US-2005049515-A1 49 2005-03-03 Electrode belt for acquisition, processing and transmission of cardiac (ECG) signals Dale Julian Misczynski, Vladislav Bukhman, Sergii Tymoshok, Dmytro Tymoshok, Oleg Sychov 49
58 US-2012150008-A1 49 2012-06-14 Electrode with redundant impedance reduction Kaib Thomas E, Volpe Shane S, Emil Oskin 49
59 US-7453354-B2 49 2008-11-18 Device arranged for carrying out a bioelectrical interaction with an individual and a method for on-demand lead-off detection Koninklijke Philips Electronics, N.V. 49
60 US-2008249591-A1 49 2008-10-09 Controllers for implantable medical devices, and associated methods Northstar Neuroscience, Inc. 49
61 US-7149579-B1 49 2006-12-12 System and method for determining patient posture based on 3-D trajectory using an implantable medical device Pacesetter, Inc. 49
62 US-2008312709-A1 49 2008-12-18 Wearable medical treatment device with motion/position detection Volpe Shane S, Macho John D, Wade Braden, Kaib Thomas E, Marshal Linder 49
63 US-2008045815-A1 48 2008-02-21 Automatic and ambulatory monitoring of congestive heart failure patients Derchak P A, Lucia Gary M, Myers Lance J 48
64 US-2006270952-A1 48 2006-11-30 Integrated resuscitation Freeman Gary A, Mark Totman, David Barash 48
65 US-2008058884-A1 48 2008-03-06 Control of a defibrillator and/or pacemaker Matos Jeffrey A 48
66 US-8121683-B2 48 2012-02-21 External automatic defibrillator Metrax Gmbh 48
67 US-5792190-A 48 1998-08-11 Automated external defibrillator operator interface Survivalink Corporation 48
68 US-2007118056-A1 47 2007-05-24 Posture detector calibration and use Hua Wang, John Hatlestad 47
69 US-5738102-A 47 1998-04-14 Patient monitoring system Lemelson; Jerome H. 47
70 US-2010069735-A1 47 2010-03-18 Device for mobile electrocardiogram recording Lior Berkner 47
71 US-6990373-B2 47 2006-01-24 Automated external defibrillator with user interface for adult and pediatric applications Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc. 47
72 US-2007161913-A1 47 2007-07-12 Methods and apparatus for monitoring the cardiovascular condition of patients with sleep disordered breathing Michael Farrell, Malcolm Hebblewhite, Deridre Stewart, Ann Tisthammer, Maya Vance, Robin Randolph 47
73 US-2007169364-A1 47 2007-07-26 Posture and body movement measuring system Microstrain, Inc. 47
74 US-2006036292-A1 47 2006-02-16 Risk of death indicator Mitchell Smith, Mark Schwartz 47
75 US-5062834-A 47 1991-11-05 Device for dispensing a liquid particularly useful for delivering medicaments at a predetermined rate Product Development (S.G.Z.) Ltd 47
76 US-2012011382-A1 47 2012-01-12 System and method for conserving power in a medical device Shane Volpe, Rattanni Richard A, Kaib Thomas E 47
77 US-2008030656-A1 46 2008-02-07 Transflective lc display with internal reflector and reflective polarizer 3M Innovative Properties Company 46
78 US-6016445-A 46 2000-01-18 Method and apparatus for electrode and transthoracic impedance estimation Cardiotronics 46
79 US-2009138059-A1 46 2009-05-28 Heart Defibrillator With Contactless ECG Sensor For Diagnostics/Effectivity Feedback Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 46
80 US-2008306560-A1 46 2008-12-11 Wearable defibrillator with audio input/output Macho John D, Volpe Shane S, Rattanni Richard A, Skalos Philip C, Kaib Thomas E, Marshal Linder 46
81 US-2007265671-A1 46 2007-11-15 Selectable switching of implantable sensors to provide fault toleance for implantable medical devices Roberts Jonathan P, Wold W W, Zillmer Glenn C 46
82 US-2009093687-A1 46 2009-04-09 Systems and methods for determining a physiological condition using an acoustic monitor Telfort Valery G, Lanzo Victor F, Welch James P 46
83 US-4094310-A 45 1978-06-13 Apparatus for enhanced display of physiological waveforms and for defibrillation American Optical Corporation 45
84 US-2010076513-A1 45 2010-03-25 Multiple Electrode Vectors for Implantable Cardiac Treatment Devices Cameron Health, Inc. 45
85 US-6148233-A 45 2000-11-14 Defibrillation system having segmented electrodes Cardiac Science, Inc. 45
86 US-2008306562-A1 45 2008-12-11 Medical device configured to test for user responsiveness Donnelly Edward J, Clark John G, Szymkiewicz Steven J, Kaib Thomas E, Marshal Linder 45
87 US-2007239220-A1 45 2007-10-11 Implantable medical device system and method with signal quality monitoring and response Greenhut Saul E, Stadler Robert W, Vitense Holly S 45
88 US-5758443-A 45 1998-06-02 Patient Identification Device Healtech S.A. 45
89 US-4632122-A 45 1986-12-30 Method and apparatus for conducting brain function diagnostic test Johansson Nils E, Emin Eralp, Itil Turan M 45
90 US-2003195567-A1 45 2003-10-16 Automated external defibrillator with user interface for adult and pediatric applications Medtronic Physio-Control Corp. 45
91 US-2006085049-A1 45 2006-04-20 Active electrode, bio-impedance based, tissue discrimination system and methods of use Nervonix, Inc. 45
92 US-2003174049-A1 45 2003-09-18 Wearable identification appliance that communicates with a wireless communications network such as bluetooth Precision Dynamics Corporation 45
93 US-2009287120-A1 45 2009-11-19 Circulatory monitoring systems and methods Searete Llc, A Limited Liability Corporation Of The State Of Delaware 45
94 US-2012146797-A1 44 2012-06-14 Wearable therapeutic device Emil Oskin, Skalos Philip C, Kaib Thomas E 44
95 US-6097987-A 44 2000-08-01 External defibrillator electrode apparatus Medical Research Laboratories, Inc. 44
96 US-6406426-B1 43 2002-06-18 Medical monitoring and alert system for use with therapeutic devices Criticare Systems 43
97 US-2003149462-A1 43 2003-08-07 Medical electrodes White Sheldon S., Dupelle Michael R. 43
98 US-2010295674-A1 42 2010-11-25 Integrated health management console Silverplus, Inc. 42
99 US-6390996-B1 42 2002-05-21 CPR chest compression monitor The Johns Hopkins University 42

Top Non-Patent Literature Citations
  • Provides a table that identifies the most cited non-patent literature references across the domain collection and is designed to identify the most significant references beyond the patent document citations.
  • The “Number of Patent Docs” column indicates the number of times the non-patent literature citation was referenced across all applications in the domain collection.
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Citation NPL Text Number of Patent Docs
0 O'Keeffe et al., "Reproducability and responsiveness of quality of life assessment and six minute walk test in elderly heart failure patients," Heart (1998) 80: 377-382. 24
1 DeBock, et al., "Captopril treatment of chronic heart failure in the very old," J. Gerontol. (1994) 49: M148-M152. 20
2 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, vol. 166, pp. 111-117 (2002). American Thoracic Society, ATS Statement Guidelines for the Six-Minute Walk Test, available at 19
3 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, vol. 166, pp. 111-117 (2002), American Thoracic Society, ATS Statement: Guidelines for the Six-Minute Walk Test, available at 16
4 DeBock et al., "Captopril treatment of chronic heart failure in the very old," J. Gerontol. (1994) 49: M148-M152. 15
5 O'Keeffe et al., "Reproducability and responsiveness of quality of the assessment and six minute walk test in elderly heart failure patients," Heart (1998) 80: 377-382. 14
6 LifeVest Model 4000 Patient Manual, Zoll, 2009, PN 20B0047 Rev B. 11
7 Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, ANSI/AAMI DF80:2003 Medical Electrical Equipment—Part 2-4: Particular Requirements for the Safety of Cardiac Defibrillators (including Automated External Defibrillators) 2004, ISBN 1-57020-210-9; abstract; p. vi; p. 50, section 107.1.2. 10
8 Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, ANSI/AAMI DF80:2003 Medical Electrical Equipment-Part 2-4: Particular Requirements for the Safety of Cardiac Defibrillators (including Automated External Defibrillators) 2004, ISBN 1-57020-210-9; abstract; p. vi; p. 50, section 107.1.2. 9
9 International Search Report dated Nov. 21, 2011 from corresponding International Application No. PCT/US11/43360. 9
10 Heartstart MRx and XL AED Algorithm—Application Note, Jul. 2001, Edition 2 Philips Healthcare, USA. 9
11 Klein, H. U., Goldenberg I., & Moss, A. J., Risk Stratification for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Therapy: The Role of the Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator, Clinical update, European Heart Journal, May 31, 2013, pp. 1-14, doi:10.1093/eurheartj/eht167, European Society of Cardiology. 8
12 Harnett, P.R. et al., "A Survey and Comparison of Laboratory Test Methods for Measuring Wicking", Textile Research Journal, Jul. 1984. 7
13 The LifeVest Network/Patient Data Management System, Zoll, 2015, 20C0503 Rev A. 7
14 Pagan-Carlo, et al., “Encircling Overlapping Multipulse Shock Waveforms for Transthoracic Defibrillation,” JACC Journals, Dec. 1998, vol. 32 Issue 7, p. 2065-2071. 7
15 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, vol. 166, pp. 111-117 (2002), American Thoracic Society, ATS Statement: Guidelines for the Six-Minute Walk Test, available at 6
16 None 6
17 Extended European Search Report from corresponding European Application No. 11804401.5 dated May 18, 2016. 6
18 Search Report and Written Opinion from French counterpart application No. 0853856, dated Jan. 4, 2011. 6
19 Published by LifeCor, Inc., 2002, on a webpage owned by LifeCor, Inc. 6
20 Mukerjee, et al. Microneedle array for transdermal biological fluid extraction and in situ analysis. Sensors and Actuators A. 2004; 114:267-275. 5
21 P. Libby et al.,"Braunwald's Heart Disease-A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine," Chs. 11, pp. 125-148 and 12, pp. 149-193 (8th ed. 2008), American Heart Association. 5
22 Daoud et al. "Fall Detection Using Shimmer Technology and Multiresolution Analysis." Aug. 2, 2013. URL: 5
23 Wei et al. "A Stretchable and Flexible System for Skin-Mounted Measurement of Motion Tracking and Physiological Signals." pp. 5772-5775. 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Aug. 26, 2014. 5
24 DeBock et al., “Captopril treatment of chronic heart failure in the very old,” J. Gerontol. (1994) 49: M148-M152. 5
25 Nicole Lee, "Samsung Gear S review: an ambitious and painfully flawed smartwatch," Dec. 1, 2014. URL: 5
26 Health Research-Hexoskin Biometric Shirt | Hexoskin URL: (Web page cached on Dec. 2, 2014). 5
27 Nave et al., "ECG Compression Using Long-Term Prediction," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Service Center, NY, USA, vol. 40, No. 9, Sep. 1, 1993, pp. 877-885. 5
28 Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Part 2 Cardinal Manifestations of Disease, Ch. 60 (12th ed. 1991; pp. 338-343.). 5
29 Zoll Medical Corporation, LifeVest Model WCD 3000 Operator's Manual, Pittsburgh, PA. 5
30 Libbus. "Adherent Cardiac Monitor With Wireless Fall Detection for Patients With Unexplained Syncope." Abstracts of the First AMA-IEEE Medical Technology Conference on Individualized Healthcare. May 22, 2010. 5
31 Notification of Transmittal of the International Search Report and the Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority, dated Apr. 19, 2012 for International Application No. PCT/US2011/064138. 5
32 LIFECOR LifeVest System Model WCD 3100 Operator's Manual, 2006, PN 20B0040 Rev FI, Zoll Lifecor Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA. 5
33 Actigraphy/ Circadian Rhythm SOMNOwatch, URL> (Web page cached on Jan. 23, 2010). 5
34 Duttweiler et al., "Probability Estimation in Arithmetic and Adaptive-Huffman Entropy Coders," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. vol. 4, No. 3, Mar. 1, 1995, pp. 237-246. 5
35 Gupta et al., "An ECG Compression Technique for Telecardiology Application," India Conference (INDICON), 2011 Annual IEEE, Dec. 16, 2011, pp. 1-4. 5
36 Skretting et al., "Improved Huffman Coding Using Recursive Splitting," NORSIG, Jan. 1, 1999. 5
37 Kligfield, Paul et al., Recommendations for the Standardization and Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram: Part I. J.Am.Coll. Cardiol; 2007; 49; 1109-27, 75 Pgs. 5
38 Runyan, et al. Semiconductor integrated circuit processing technology. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading Mass. 1990. (Cover pages and table of contents only). 4
39 Health Research—Hexoskin Biometric Shirt | Hexoskin URL: (Web page cached on Dec. 2, 2014). 4
40 Heartstart MRx and XL AED Algorithm-Application Note, Jul. 2001, Edition 2 Philips Healthcare, USA. 4
41 O'Keeffe et al., “Reproducability and responsiveness of quality of life assessment and six minute walk test in elderly heart failure patients,” Heart (1998) 80: 377-382. 4
42 (Aug. 2013). 4
43 Harnett, P.R. et al., “A Survey and Comparison of Laboratory Test Methods for Measuring Wicking”, Textile Research Journal, Jul. 1984. 4
44 A VOSS, V BAIER, S SCHULZ, KJ BAR: "Linear and nonlinear methods for analyses of cardiovascular variability in bipolar disorders", BIPOLAR DISORDERS, BLACKWELL MUNKSGAARD, DK, vol. 8, no. 5p1, 1 October 2006 (2006-10-01), DK, pages 441 - 452, XP055273826, ISSN: 1398-5647, DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-5618.2006.00364.x 4
45 P. Libby et al.,“Braunwald's Heart Disease—A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine,” Chs. 11, pp. 125-148 and 12, pp. 149-193 (8th ed. 2008), American Heart Association. 4
46 Search Report and Written Opinion from a corresponding Foreign application 0853856, dated Jan. 4, 2011. 4
47 Saadi et al. "Heart Rhythm Analysis Using ECG Recorded With a Novel Sternum Based Patch Technology-A Pilot Study." Cardio technix 2013-Proceedings of the International Congress on Cardiovascular Technologies, Sep. 20, 2013. 4
48 Jaeger. Introduction to Microelectronic fabrication. Addison-Wesley Pubishing Co. Reading Mass. 1988. (Cover pages and table of Contents only). 4
49 Jacob Kastrenakes, "Apple Watch uses four sensors to detect your pulse," Sep. 9, 2014. URL: 4
50 (2014). 4
51 Preininger, et al. Polymer-coated optical fibres for application in a direct evanescent wave immunoassay. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2000; 403, 67-76. 4
52 Notification of Transmittal of the International Search Report and the Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority, of the Declaration mailed Aug. 10, 2012, for International Application No. PCT/US2012/030356, 14 pages. 4
53 The LifeVest Network/Patient Data Management System, Zoll, 2015, 2000503 Rev A. 4
54 Anonymous. "Omegawave Launches Consumer App 2.0 in U.S. Endurance Sportswire-Endurance Sportswire." Jul. 11, 2013. URL: 4
55 Chang, et al. Micromachining & Microfabrication. SPIE Optical Engineering Press. Bellingham, Wash. 1997. (Cover pages and table of contents only). 4
56 Scheurle, et al. HER-2/neu expression in archival non-smaill cell lung carcinomas using FDA-approved hercep test. Anticancer Res. 2000; 20:2091-2096. 4
57 LIEBERMAN JONATHON: "How telemedicine is aiding prompt ECG diagnosis in primary care.", BRITISH JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY NURSING, MARK ALLEN PUBLISHING,, GB, vol. 13, no. 3, 1 March 2008 (2008-03-01), GB, pages 123 - 126, XP009155082, ISSN: 1462-4753 4
58 Sittig et al., "A Computer-Based Outpatient Clinical Referral System," International Journal of Medical Informatics, Shannon, IR, vol. 55, No. 2, Aug. 1, 1999, pp. 149-158, XO004262434, ISSN: 1386-5056(99)00027-1. 4
59 Lifecor LifeVest System Model WCD 3100 Operator's Manual, 2006, PN 20B0040 Rev FI, Zoll Lifecor Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA. 4
60 International search report dated Jul. 4, 2005 for PCT Application No. US2004/029462. 4
61 Kwon, et al., "Characteristics of a lithium-polymer battery based on a lithium power anode," Journal of Power Sources, vol. 93, pp. 145-150 (2001). 3
62 Saab, "ManPack300: Deploying the Future in Live Training",, Dec. 2, 2014, 6 pages. 3
63 Bharadwaj et al., Techniques for Accurate ECG signal processing, EE Times, URL> (Feb. 14, 2011). 3
64 Bhatia, et al. Use of thiol-terminal silanes and heterobifunctional crosslinkers for immobilization of antibodies on silica surfaces. Anal Biochem. 1989; 178(2):408-13. 3
65 Gabano, J.P. (Ed.), Lithium Batteries, Academic Press, London (1983). 3
66 International Search Report and Written Opinion from corresponding International Application No. PCT/US2011/059345, dated Jan. 25, 2012. 3
67 Seifert, Dan, Samsung dives into fitness wearable with the Gear Fit/ The Verge, URL> (Feb. 24, 2014). 3
68 Zio Patch System, URL> (Web page cached on Sep. 8, 2013.). 3
69 Smith, Jawbone Up, URL> (Jun. 1, 2013). 3
70 Fitbit Tracker, URL> (Web page cached on Sep. 10, 2008.). 3
71 International Search Report and Written Opinion from corresponding PCT Application No. PCT/US2012/030428, mailed Nov. 7, 2012. 3
72 Tedeschi, et al. Antibody immobilisation on fibre optic TIRF sensors. Biosens Bioelectron. 2003; 19(2):85-93. 3
73 Yuan, Michael J., "Watson and healthcare, How natural language processing and semantic search could revolutionize clinical decision support", IBM Corporation, IBM developerWorks,, Apr. 12, 2011, 14 pages. 3
74 Kim et al., "A Biaxial Stretchable Interconnect With Liquid-Alloy-Covered Joints on Elastomeric Substrate," IEEE/ASME J. Microelectromech. Systems, vol. 18, pp. 138-146, Jan. 2009. 3
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99 15 of the Hottest Wearable Gadgets, URL> (Web page cached on Sep. 27, 2008). 3

Top Inventive CPC Group Code Numbers
  • Provides a table of the top inventive CPC group codes and CPC group numbers (and respective CPC titles) that are assigned to patent documents included in the domain collection. This table essentially provides two levels of description into the inventive ideas embodied in the domain collection and is designed to provide some technological descriptive context to the patent documents of the IP segment profiled.
  • The CPC group code is shown as the first four alphanumberic characters of the "CPC Group Code Number" field. This represents a macro-level description of the inventive ideas. The CPC group number is represented as the numeric digits following the group code and represents an additional level of detail. Thus the "CPC Group Title" and "CPC Group Number Title" together provide two levels of description of the inventive technologies used in patent documents across the domain collection.
  • The “Percent of Top 250 Group Numbers” column indicates the concentration of the inventive ideas in the designated CPC group number across the top 250 group numbers in the domain collection. Patent documents can be assigned multiple CPC codes representing potentially different inventive ideas embodied in the document.
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Index CPC Group Code Number Percent of Top 250 Group Numbers CPC Group Title CPC Group Number Title

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