Patent Landscape Analytics Report

James H. Moeller - Alpha Data IQ LLC -
Date: 2023-07-29

How to Use this report:

  • First, read the Overview section for the report’s principle takeaways. This will add significant context to the details of the report presented below. Use the hyperlinks presented in the overview text to jump to the relevant sections of interest.

  • Then use the Table of Contents below to navigate to additional specific sections by clicking on the headings. See the descriptions of the Table of Contents items for more information.

  • This HTML report provides interactive figures and tables, with mouse-over, zoom-able data display, and searchable, sort-able tables. This provides the user with the capability to interactively explore the patent document landscape information and the analytical results.

  • The report is designed to derive strategic intelligence from the specified patent document domain collection and provide mechanisms to enable addition research. This includes strategic information covering patenting trends, the IP competitive landscape, notable patent document citations, important non-patent document citations covering industry reports and media references, as well as frequently applied technology classification codes. In addition, the Summary table ( Summary of All Patent Documents in the Domain Collection ) can be queried for a wide variety of patent document information, including keyword and key phrase queries into the titles, abstracts, and claims, which are useful for freedom-to-operate analyses and basic preliminary white space and prior art inquiries. A full prior art search or thorough white space analysis are beyond the scope of this report.

  • This report is updated on an as-needed basis.

  • The application of data science and analytics to patent data enables these reports to be produced quickly and economically. Most initial analyses can be executed for under $2,500. Contact me if you need a custom report.


  • Domain Collection: The principle focus of this report is to create a broad patent landscape around the software-defined virtualized networking intellectual property domain. The broad domain collection for this report was created by matching the phrases "network virtualization" AND ("software defined network" OR "software-defined network") anywhere in the title, abstract, description or claims of the patent documents available in Google’s BigQuery data warehouse in the patents.publications dataset. These phrases are queried in a logical fashion such that the matching of these phrases in any of the specified sections, will include that patent document in the domain collection. The patent documents query was executed on a worldwide basis across all US and international patent documents contained in Google’s dataset. See the Summary of All Patent Documents in the Domain Collection for more information or to execute additional queries into the domain collection documents.

    • "network virtualization" AND ("software defined network" OR "software-defined network") – matched on a worldwide basis in patent documents title, abstract, description, or claims.

    • The resulting domain collection consists of 3,477 total documents of which there are 2,072 patent applications and 1,477 granted patents.

  • Patenting Activity: Patenting activity in this IP segment is relatively new, with the first patent applications filed just 12 years ago in July 2011. In fact, there were 14 patent applications file in July of 2011 all on behalf of Nicira Inc. These patent applications resulted in the first granted patents in this IP segment in 2014 and 2015. Nicira Inc. was a Palo Alto, California based company that was an early innovator specifically in the area software-defined virtualized networking. The company was founded in 2007 and was subsequently acquired by VMware in July of 2012 . Following those first application filings, activity remained relatively modest through 2012, after which activity increased nearly five fold in 2013 and continued to increase through 2017. The vast majority of patenting activity in this domain collection has occurred over the last 9 years since approximately 2014. Current numbers generally indicate that there are approximately 350 to 425 new applications and 140 to 190 granted patents annually. See the Domain Collection Date Coverage Table and the Patenting Trends Timeline for the Domain Collection .

  • Patenting Trends: The pendency period for granted patents (i.e. the time between application and patent approval), over the relatively near-term active filing period from 2017 through 2020 has varied from ~34 months to as low as ~24 months, with the most recent data indicating a pendency period of 2.0 to 2.5 years. This indicates that the most recent 2.0 to 2.5 years of data in the patenting trend charts ( Patenting Trends Timeline for the Domain Collection ), 2020-2023, are likely incomplete data. As a result, the Applications and Granted Patents Timeline is indicating generally flat to somewhat declining patent application filing trends with 350 to 425 new applications filed annually. The granted patent approval percentage trend since 2017 has remained relatively flat at approximately 40% to 45%. See the Approval Rate (%) and Pendency Period charts. The relatively high-level and flat to declining application filing trends, combined with the flat approval rate, together indicate a generally stable patenting environment.

  • Top Inventors & Their Assignees: Of the top 10 inventors in this domain collection, individuals associated with Nicira and VMware occupy 7 of the top 10 spots, including the top 6 positions. The leading inventor is clearly Teemu Koponen who is listed on 127 patent documents and was a founding employee and engineer with Nicira. Mr. Koponen looks to currently be a founder of Styra, Inc. , which is a company focused on software and infrastructure policy management for enterprise cloud environments. The 2 nd ranked inventor is Pankaj Thakkar , who is listed on 94 patent documents and was a senior software engineer with Nicira. Mr. Thakkar is currently a co-founder of KloudFuse Inc. , which focuses on systems observability software. The 3 rd ranked inventor is Martin Casado , listed on 66 patent documents. Mr. Casado was a founder and the CTO of Nicira and is currently a General Partner a the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz . The 4 th ranked inventor is Ronghua Zhang , who was a senior software engineer for Nicira and is now a developer at Databricks . The 5 th ranked inventor is Jeremy Stribling , who was also a senior software engineer for Nicira and is now a developer for Zoom Video Communications, Inc . Other inventors ranked in the top 25 also include additional individuals associated with Nicira or VMware. Also noteworthy in the top 25, is the presence of inventors from Ericsson, which as noted below is one of the leading assignees in this IP segment. For more information see the Top Inventors and Principal Assignees table and the complete list of 3,106 inventors.

  • IP Competitive Landscape (Top Assignees): The top 25 assignees in this domain collection consists almost exclusively of the world’s largest networking and telecommunications companies, with the patent documents concentrated somewhat with the top three assignees. The top assignee is VMware as a result of the company’s patent filings and its 2012 acquisition of Nicira Inc . The 2 nd , and closely ranked assignee, is Ericsson , a large telecommunication company headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and Cisco Systems rounds out the top three. These top three assignees account for approximately 60% of the patent documents of the top 10 assignees. The 4 th ranked assignee is Juniper Networks Inc. , listed on approximately half as many patent documents as Cisco. The 5 th ranked assignee is Intel Corporation .

  • The remaining assignees that make-up the top 25 consist mostly of a mix of large telecommunications, networking, and software companies. One smaller company of note, with a generally over-sized patent document position relative to its corporate size, is Parallel Wireless , a private company based in New Hampshire that's focused on 5G OpenRAN wireless systems. Despite the company's relatively small size, it ranks 12 th on the top assignees list. One final company of note in the top 25 is NxGen Partners LP , which looks to be a patent holding company with a significant position in this IP sector and a ranking of 23 rd overall (index #25 in the Top Assignees list). In general, patent holding companies can sometime be viewed as risks to an IP sector due to the potential for these companies to pursue aggressive licensing and litigation business strategies. For more information see the Top Assignees table and the complete list of 506 assignees.

  • Top Cited Patent Documents & Citation Assignees: The top patent document citations across the domain collection have assignees that include many of large companies in the assignees list that were early innovators in software-defined virtualized networking as well as a number of other companies, sometime from diverse technology segments, that provided supporting innovations. This includes companies like Juniper Networks, VMware, Nicira, and Cisco, as well Marvel Technology , Fortinet Inc. , and Bay Networks Group ( acquired by Nortel in 1998 , with the IP assumed to be part of Nortel’s IP liquidation in 2011 ). The top three patent document citations were granted patents to Juniper Networks and focus on fundamental technology for network packet switching. The 4 th ranked patent document citation was a patent granted to Marvel Technology that deals with network bridging technology between two or more networks. Rounding out the top five citations is one originally granted to Bay Networks Group that pertained to configuration support for a virtual networks. Most all of the top 10 patent document citations were approved as granted patents and many have since expired as enforceable intellectual property. However, these patent documents, and all the others in the citations table, still serve as prior art references to new technology developments in this IP sector. So, its generally a good idea for new technology developers to be at least somewhat familiar with these patent document citations. See the Top 100 Patent Document Citations table below.

  • When the top 100 patent document citations are sorted by assignee, Juniper Networks ranks as the assignee with the most prominent citations portfolio. Interestingly however, Amazon Technologies, Inc. ranks as the assignee with the second best citations portfolio. IBM, Hitachi, and Cisco round out the top five patent document citations portfolios. See the Top Patent Document Citations, Sorted by Assignee table for more information. Also review the Top Non-Patent Literature Citations table for the top 100 citations from articles, research reports and media references.

  • Top Technology Classification Codes: The top inventive CPC technology classification codes for this domain collection focus on the principal components involved in software-defined virtualized networking, namely digital communications, the processing of digital information (i.e. the software aspects), and even wireless communications. This includes CPC Group Codes of H04L (“TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION”), G06F (“ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING”), and H04W (“WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORKS”). Group Code Number sub-classifications cover additional detail in the administration and routing of packet switched networks, programmatic control of networks, network security, protocols, and connection management. See the Top Inventive CPC Group Code Numbers table for more information and the list of the top 250 CPC classification codes with descriptions searchable via keywords and phrases. It is also possible to use the Patent Documents Summary table to search on the applied CPC codes to find specific patent documents to which certain CPC codes have been applied.

  • Additional Domain Collection Queries:

  • Executing additional queries into the domain collection, via the Summary of All Patent Documents table, can often provide additional insight into sub-topics contained in the domain collection that may be of more specific interest. This can be accomplished by showing the relevant sections of the patent documents (title, abstract, or claims) or additional metadata fields, and executing additional keyword, key phrase, or parameter queries via the provided column search fields. Whenever switching between shown and hidden column fields, it’s important to clear the column field search box before hiding the field. Entering data into multiple column search fields will produce the ANDed results of those separate searches. So, if a field column is then hidden with a value or keyword in the search field box, that will still be applied in the ANDed search results. Also remember that the “Patent Claims Text” field is only available for US patent documents, not international patent documents, as supplied via Google’s BigQuery patent dataset. Below are some examples.

  • For example, say we’re interested in finding all patent documents with a filing date year of 2020 that also contains the word “wireless in the title of the document. With the fields shown as indicated below (green highlighted fields are show in the table), we can use the search fields above each column to execute an ANDed query into the table of patent documents. Entering the year “2020” in the “PatApp Filing Date” column search and “wireless into the “Patent Title” column search will show all patent documents matching both of those parameters. There are 16 results total from the domain collection of 3,477 documents with the five most recent documents show below.


  • In addition, say we’re interested in finding all patent documents that have the word “ingress” and the phrase “virtual tunnel endpoint” in the abstract of the document. First, we show the “Patent Abstract Text” field and then enter the word “ingress” and the phrase “virtual tunnel endpoint” (enclosed in quotes) as show below. This indicate that there are two patent documents that match this query, both from VMware.


Table of Contents:

  • Summary of All Patent Documents in the Domain Collection

    • Provides an interactive, searchable, sort-able table of all patent documents in the analysis domain collection, including a variety of metadata fields pertaining to the documents. The titles, abstracts, and claims of the patent documents are also provided and can be further queried via the column-specific and overall search capabilities. This interactive table is useful in executing additional queries on the entire domain collection, such as keyword or key phrase queries on claims to find specific claims of interest, finding patent documents from specific inventors or assignees, or searching and sorting on various date fields such as filing date, grant date, or earliest priority date.

    • Duplicate patent documents, potentially filed with various international patenting authorities, have been deleted. So, there’s only one representative patent document per patent family.

    • Provides a table summarizing the date coverage, listing the earliest and most recent dates for filed patent applications, published documents, granted patents, and priority dates. This table provides some basic context to help profile the domain collection and summarizes the date ranges of documents included in the analysis.

  • Domain Collection Geographic Coverage

    • Provides a table summarizing the geographic distribution of patent applications and granted patents by country contained in the domain collection. This table is also provided to help profile the documents included in the analysis.

  • Patent Documents with English Sections by Country

    • Provides a table showing the geographic breakdown of the number patent documents with English abstracts, descriptions, and claims. This table is also designed to help profile the domain collection and provide context on the English-searchable sections of the patent documents from which semantic search results can be derived.

  • Patenting Trends Timeline for the Domain Collection

    • Provides timeline of the number of patent applications and granted patents, and thus shows a concise view of the historic patenting trends embodied in the domain collection. In addition, line charts show the timelines for the approval percentages and pendency periods. These charts can be used to assess the competitive nature of the patenting environment for the domain collection IP segment.

  • Top Inventors and Principal Assignees

    • Provides a table of the top inventors listed on the patent applications contained in the domain collection and essentially identifies the top intellectual property experts of the domain area profiled. This table also lists the entities (corporations, educational institutions, etc.) to which those inventors have assigned the predominant number of patent applications, and thus identifies relationships between inventors and those assignees.

  • Top Assignees

    • Provides a table of the top assignees of patent applications contained in the domain collection and largely represents the competitive landscape from an intellectual property perspective. These assignees are the corporations, educational institutions, individuals, and other entities, that are involved in the IP sector, and thus may also be prospective development partners, investors, IP acquirers, or IP acquisition targets.

    • This table can also be helpful in identifying entities that may be patent holding companies, otherwise know as non-practicing entities (NPEs). These companies typically acquire or develop IP portfolios and then employ licensing or litigation business models that can increase costs and risks for other companies competing in the IP sector.

    • Finally, a review of the companies in the lower quartiles of this list can also identify start-ups and emerging companies that are just beginning to established patent portfolios in the IP sector.

  • Top 100 Patent Document Citations

    • Provides a table of the top 100 most cited patent document references across the domain collection and is designed to identify the most significant patent documents to the domain area profiled.

    • A cited patent document is typically a patent application or granted patent that is considered as significant (prior art, or in some way relevant) to the patent document that cites it. This table below thus represents the list of most cited patent document references on patent documents in the domain collection. These cited patent documents may or may not be in the domain collection, but nonetheless represent notable references relevant to the domain collection.

  • Top Patent Document Citations, Sorted by Assignee

    • Provides a table with the same information as the previous Top Patent Document Citations table, except this table is sorted by assignee and is designed to identify the assignees with most significant intellectual property positions across the domain collection based on the total number of citations. This table aims to clearly show the corporations, educational institutions, individuals, or other entities that have broad positions in the IP sector profiled by the domain collection.

  • Top Non-Patent Literature Citations

    • Provides a table that identifies the most cited non-patent literature references across the domain collection and is designed to identify the most significant references beyond the patent document citations.

  • Top Inventive CPC Group Code Numbers

    • Provides a table of the top inventive CPC group codes and CPC group numbers (and respective CPC titles) that are assigned to patent documents included in the domain collection. This table essentially provides two levels of description into the inventive ideas embodied in the domain collection and is designed to provide some technological descriptive context to the patent documents of the IP segment profiled.

Summary of All Patent Documents in the Domain Collection
  • Provides an interactive, searchable, sort-able table of all patent documents in the analysis domain collection, including a variety of metadata fields pertaining to the documents. The titles, abstracts, and claims of the patent documents are also provided and can be further queried via the column-specific and overall search capabilities. This interactive table is useful in executing additional queries on the entire domain collection, such as keyword or key phrase queries on claims to find specific claims of interest, finding patent documents from specific inventors or assignees, or searching and sorting on various date fields such as filing date, grant date, or earliest priority date.
  • Click on any column heading to sort.
  • Use the Search box above any column to search specifically on that column.
  • Multiple concurrent column searches will produce results that are the logical AND'ed combination of the separate column searches.
  • Use the Search box at the top right to search across the entire table.
  • One or more keywords or key phrases can be entered in any search box. Key phrases must be contained in quotes ("…") to be considered a contiguous phrase. Keywords and key phrases must be separated by a single space within the search box. When multiple keywords or key phrases are entered into a search box, the text is searched for each keyword or phrase separately and only the items with text containing all keywords and phrases will be displayed
  • Use the Hide/Show control below to selectively display desired columns. Green highlighted column names are shown. Red highlighted column names are hidden. Clicking on a green highlighed column name will hide that column. Clicking on a red highlighted column name will show that column.
  • The patent document publication numbers ("Pat Pub Num Linked") are hyperlinked to the Google Patents page that shows the complete patent document.
  • Duplicate patent documents, potentially filed with various international patenting authorities, have been deleted. So, there’s only one representative patent document per patent family.

Index Publication Date Pat Pub Num Linked Pat Pub Num Google Link PatApp Filing Date Patent Grant Date Pendency Months of GrantedPatent Patent Priority Date Pat App Num Country Patent Country Code Patent Family ID Assignee Names Inventors Names Patent Kind Code Patent Application Kind Patent App Num Formatted Patent PCT Number Patent Title Patent Title Language Patent Abstract Text Patent Abstract Language Patent Claims Text Patent Claims Language IPC Class Codes CPC Class Codes

Date Coverage
  • This is a table summarizing the date coverage, listing the earliest and most recent dates for filed patent applications, published documents, granted patents, and priority dates. This table provides some basic context to help profile the domain collection and summarizes the date ranges of documents included in the analysis.

Geographic Coverage
  • Provides a table summarizing the geographic distribution of patent applications and granted patents by country contained in the domain collection. This table is also provided to help profile the documents included in the analysis.
  • Google's BigQuery 'patents.publications' data table contains full text information (titles, abstracts, descriptions, and claims) on US patent documents but only titles and abstracts on international patent documents. As of the date of this report, the BigQuery data table does not contain full text descriptions and claims for international patent documents. As a result, the geographic coverage insights can vary depending on the type of query that was used to generate the domain collection. Semantic keyword or key phrase matching queries that include international patent documents, only query and match those keywords and phrases across the titles and abstracts of those international documents. Thus, the results for semantic queries may be biased toward US patent documents.
  • Total number of patent applications = 2,072
  • Total number of granted patents = 1,477
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Country Country Code Number of Patent Apps Number of Granted Patents
0 United States of America US 2,037 1,468
1 China, Peoples Republic of CN 16 6
2 South Korea KR 12 2
3 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) WO 4 0
4 Taiwan TW 1 0
5 European Patent Office (EPO) EP 1 1
6 United Kingdom GB 1 0

Geographic Breakdown of English Patent Document Sections
  • Provides a table showing the geographic breakdown of the number patent documents with English abstracts, descriptions, and claims. This table is also designed to help profile the domain collection and provide context on the English-searchable sections of the patent documents from which semantic search results can be derived.
  • This geographic breakdown of the available English sections of the domain collection patent documents is designed to show the extent to which semantic search queries and results may be limited due to the dataset limitations of Google’s BigQuery ‘patents.publications’ data table. The BigQuery ‘patents.publications’ data table contains full text information (titles, abstracts, descriptions, and claims) on US patent documents but only titles and abstracts on international patent documents. As of the date of this report, the BigQuery data table does not contain full text descriptions and claims for international patent documents.
  • Total number of patent documents with English abstracts = 3,475
  • Total number of patent documents with English descriptions = 3,437
  • Total number of patent documents with English claims = 3,437
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Country Country Code Num Patent Docs English Abstract Num Patent Docs English Desc Num Patent Docs English Claims
0 United States of America US 3,437 3,437 3,437
1 China, Peoples Republic of CN 19 0 0
2 South Korea KR 12 0 0
3 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) WO 4 0 0
4 Taiwan TW 1 0 0
5 European Patent Office (EPO) EP 1 0 0
6 United Kingdom GB 1 0 0

Patenting Trends of the Domain Collection
  • Shows a bar chart timeline of the number of patent applications and granted patents, and provides a concise view of the historic patenting trends embodied in the domain collection. In addition, line charts show the timelines for the approval percentages and pendency periods. These charts can be used to assess the competitive nature of the patenting environment for the domain collection IP segment.
  • More specifically, the bar chart shows the number of patent applications filed on an annual basis beginning with the earliest application in the domain collection and ending with the most recent filing in the domain collection.
  • The granted patent totals have been time-shifted so that the granted patents align with the corresponding applications and thus correctly reflect the granted patents resulting from the applications of a given year.
  • The pendency period line chart can be used to assess the validity of the data shown in the applications and granted patents bar chart as well as the approval percentages line chart. For example, with most patenting authorities, such as the USPTO, there is some delay in publishing patent applications and typically a longer time period between application and granted patent (pendency time). For the USPTO, most patent applications are published 18 months after the filing date and pendency times for granted patents can be 24 months or longer. This typically indicates that the most recent 18 to 24+ months of data reflects only partial results.
  • Note that the horizontal axis may not reflect a consecutive linear year progression if there were years where there was no patenting activity and no data exists.
  • If the domain collection represents a mix of international patent documents, note that these patent documents are often subject to varying examination and approval procedures of different worldwide patenting authorities, which can result in skewed data for the charts below. For example, patent documents from China, that utilize China's utility model patent process, can have notably shorter pendency periods, which can skew the pendency results shown below.

Top Inventors and the Principal Assignees
  • This table identifies the top inventors listed on the patent applications contained in the domain collection and essentially identifies the top intellectual property experts of the domain area profiled. This table also lists the entities (corporations, educational institutions, etc.) to which those inventors have assigned the predominant number of patent applications, and thus identifies relationships between inventors and those assignees.
  • The “Total Num of Patent Docs” column indicates the total number of patent applications on which the individual is listed as an inventor. The default sorting of the table is on this column in descending order.
  • The “Num of Patent Docs per Assignee” column indicates the number of patent applications, on which the individual is listed as an inventor, that have been assigned to the indicated assignee.
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Inventor Name Total Num of Patent Docs Assignee Names Num of Patent Docs Per Assignee

Top Assignees
  • Provides a table of the top assignees of patent applications contained in the domain collection and largely represents the competitive landscape from an intellectual property perspective. These assignees are the corporations, educational institutions, individuals, and other entities, that are involved in the IP sector, and thus may also be prospective development partners, investors, IP acquirers, or IP acquisition targets.
  • This table can also be helpful in identifying entities that may be patent holding companies, otherwise know as non-practicing entities (NPEs). These companies typically acquire or develop IP portfolios and then employ licensing or litigation business models that can increase costs and risks for other companies competing in the IP sector.
  • Finally, a review of the companies in the lower quartiles of this list can also identify start-ups and emerging companies that are just beginning to established patent portfolios in the IP sector.
  • The “Total Num of Patent Docs per Assignee” column indicates the total number of applications that have been assigned to the indicated assignee.
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Assignee Name Total Num of Patent Docs per Assignee

Top Patent Document Citations
  • Provides a table of the top 100 most cited patent document references across the domain collection and is designed to identify the most significant patent documents to the domain area profiled.
  • A cited patent document is typically a patent application or granted patent that is considered as significant (prior art, or in some way relevant) to the patent document that cites it. This table below thus represents the list of most cited patent document references on patent documents in the domain collection. These cited patent documents may or may not be in the domain collection, but nonetheless represent notable references relevant to the domain collection.
  • The “Number of Patent Docs” column indicates the number of times the citation was referenced across all applications in the domain collection.
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Citation Publication Num Linked Number of Patent Docs Publication Date Citation Title Assignees
0 WO-2013184846-A1 97 2013-12-12 Physical path determination for virtual network packet flows Juniper Networks, Inc.
1 WO-2013184846-A1 97 2013-12-12 Détermination d'un chemin physique pour les flux de paquets de réseau virtuel Juniper Networks, Inc.
2 US-7948986-B1 96 2011-05-24 Applying services within MPLS networks Juniper Networks, Inc.
3 US-2008225853-A1 94 2008-09-18 Logical bridging system and method Melman David, Nir Arad, Bshara Nafea
4 US-7818452-B2 85 2010-10-19 Distributed virtual system to support managed, network-based services Fortinet, Inc.
5 US-5751967-A 84 1998-05-12 Method and apparatus for automatically configuring a network device to support a virtual network Bay Networks Group, Inc.
6 US-2009292858-A1 82 2009-11-26 Distributed Virtual Switch for Virtualized Computer Systems Vmware, Inc.
7 US-8223668-B2 82 2012-07-17 Method and apparatus for exchanging routing information and the establishment of connectivity across multiple network areas Rockstar Bidco Lp
8 US-2010257263-A1 82 2010-10-07 Method and apparatus for implementing and managing virtual switches Nicira Networks, Inc.
9 US-8027354-B1 81 2011-09-27 Network consolidation for virtualized servers Cisco Technology, Inc.
10 US-2013332602-A1 80 2013-12-12 Physical path determination for virtual network packet flows Juniper Networks, Inc.
11 US-7606260-B2 78 2009-10-20 Virtual path configuration apparatus, virtual path configuration method, and computer product Fujitsu Limited
12 US-7937438-B1 78 2011-05-03 Using virtual networking devices to manage external connections Amazon Technologies, Inc.
13 WO-2008095010-A1 78 2008-08-07 Infrastructure de commutation de réseau sécurisé The Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Jr. University, International Computer Science Institute, The Regents Of The University Of California
14 WO-2008095010-A1 78 2008-08-07 Secure network switching infrastructure The Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Jr. University, International Computer Science Institute, The Regents Of The University Of California
15 US-2008049621-A1 78 2008-02-28 Connection-Oriented Communications Scheme For Connection-Less Communications Traffic Mcguire Alan, Reid Andrew B
16 US-5504921-A 77 1996-04-02 Network management system using model-based intelligence Cabletron Systems, Inc.
17 US-2009161547-A1 77 2009-06-25 Compression Mechanisms for Control Plane-Data Plane Processing Architectures Packeteer, Inc.
18 US-2006092976-A1 77 2006-05-04 Softrouter separate control network Lucent Technologies Inc.
19 US-6104699-A 76 2000-08-15 Method and device for partitioning physical network resources Telefonaktiebolget Lm Ericsson
20 US-7450598-B2 76 2008-11-11 System and method to provision MPLS/VPN network At&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.
21 US-7209439-B2 76 2007-04-24 Pool-based resource management in a data network Mci, Llc
22 US-2008002579-A1 76 2008-01-03 Arrangement and a Method Relating to Flow of Packets in Communication Systems Fredrik Lindholm, Henrik Basilier
23 US-5729685-A 76 1998-03-17 Apparatus for determining the topology of an ATM network or the like Via communication of topology information between a central manager and switches in the network over a virtual service path Bay Networks, Inc.
24 US-7826482-B1 76 2010-11-02 Service-specific forwarding in an LDP-RSVP hybrid network Juniper Networks, Inc.
25 US-7649851-B2 76 2010-01-19 Virtual network management method, virtual network management program, virtual network management system, and virtual network means Hitachi, Ltd.
26 US-2004098505-A1 76 2004-05-20 Forwarding system with multiple logical sub-system functionality Clemmensen Daniel G.
27 US-2004073659-A1 76 2004-04-15 Method and apparatus for managing nodes in a network Carl Rajsic, Antonio Petti, Martin Charbonneau, Tarek Radi
28 US-7710874-B2 76 2010-05-04 System and method for automatic management of many computer data processing system pipes International Business Machines Corporation
29 US-2005018669-A1 76 2005-01-27 Infiniband subnet management queue pair emulation for multiple logical ports on a single physical port International Business Machines Corporation
30 US-6680934-B1 76 2004-01-20 System, device and method for expediting control flow in a communication system Nortel Networks Limited
31 US-6512745-B1 76 2003-01-28 Packet switching network, packet switching equipment, and network management equipment Hitachi, Ltd.
32 US-6785843-B1 76 2004-08-31 Data plane restart without state change in a control plane of an intermediate network node Mcrae Andrew, Johannes Markus Hoerler
33 US-8046456-B1 75 2011-10-25 Using virtual networking devices to manage external connections Amazon Technologies, Inc.
34 US-2004267866-A1 75 2004-12-30 Virtual machine connection to a tangible network International Business Machines Corporation
35 US-8339959-B1 74 2012-12-25 Streamlined packet forwarding using dynamic filters for routing and security in a shared forwarding plane Juniper Networks, Inc.
36 US-2009150527-A1 73 2009-06-11 Method and system for reconfiguring a virtual network path Sun Microsystems, Inc.
37 US-7478173-B1 73 2009-01-13 Method and system for sharing a network connection in a virtual computer system Wmware, Inc.
38 US-2002093952-A1 73 2002-07-18 Method for managing circuits in a multistage cross connect Gonda Rumi Sheryar
39 US-7046630-B2 73 2006-05-16 Packet switching network, packet switching equipment and network management equipment Hitachi, Ltd.
40 US-2009303880-A1 72 2009-12-10 Data center interconnect and traffic engineering Microsoft Corporation
41 US-2010165877-A1 72 2010-07-01 Methods and apparatus for distributed dynamic network provisioning Amit Shukla, Xiangwen Xu
42 US-2009083445-A1 72 2009-03-26 Method and system for virtual port communications Ganga Ilango S
43 US-8339994-B2 71 2012-12-25 Defining an optimal topology for a group of logical switches Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
44 US-2010169467-A1 71 2010-07-01 Method and apparatus for determining a network topology during network provisioning Amit Shukla, Arthi Ayyangar
45 US-2008291910-A1 71 2008-11-27 Transitioning a Virtual Interface from One Tunnel to Another Tunnel World Wide Packets, Inc.
46 US-8054832-B1 71 2011-11-08 Methods and apparatus for routing between virtual resources based on a routing location policy Juniper Networks, Inc.
47 US-2010214949-A1 69 2010-08-26 Distributed data center access switch Cisco Technology, Inc.
48 US-7953865-B1 68 2011-05-31 Using virtual networking devices to manage routing communications between connected computer networks Amazon Technologies, Inc.
49 US-8031633-B2 67 2011-10-04 Virtual network architecture for space data processing Honeywell International Inc.
50 US-2010115101-A1 67 2010-05-06 Distributed network connection policy management Antonio Lain, Patrick Goldsack
51 US-2007297428-A1 67 2007-12-27 Port pooling Patrick Glen Bose, Ky Tong Vong, Shrikant Jay Vaidya
52 US-2011085559-A1 67 2011-04-14 Transit Switches in a Network of Logical Switches Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
53 US-2006221961-A1 67 2006-10-05 Network communications for operating system partitions International Business Machines Corporation
54 US-8199750-B1 67 2012-06-12 Communicating with a control plane using a forwarding information format and control plane processing of packets devoid of a virtual switch identifier World Wide Packets, Inc.
55 US-8060875-B1 67 2011-11-15 System and method for multiple virtual teams Vmware, Inc.
56 US-2010153554-A1 67 2010-06-17 Method and apparatus for providing network virtualization Thomas Anschutz, Alan Blackburn
57 US-2006026225-A1 67 2006-02-02 Shared resources in a multi manager environment Alcatel
58 US-2005132044-A1 67 2005-06-16 Distributed architecture for real-time flow measurement at the network domain level Alcatel
59 US-2010046531-A1 67 2010-02-25 Autonomic network node system Groupe Des Ecoles Des Telecommunications (Get) Institut National Des Telecommunications (Int)
60 US-7936770-B1 67 2011-05-03 Method and apparatus of virtual class of service and logical queue representation through network traffic distribution over multiple port interfaces Enterasys Networks, Inc.
61 US-8155028-B2 67 2012-04-10 Method and apparatus for providing full logical connectivity in MPLS networks Alcatel Lucent
62 US-2009122710-A1 67 2009-05-14 Event correlation using network data flow simulation over unmanaged network segments Chen Bar-Tor, Harold Lawenthal
63 US-7995483-B1 67 2011-08-09 Simultaneously testing connectivity to multiple remote maintenance endpoints of the same maintenance association Juniper Networks, Inc.
64 US-8265075-B2 67 2012-09-11 Method and apparatus for managing, configuring, and controlling an I/O virtualization device through a network switch International Business Machines Corporation
65 US-2005027881-A1 67 2005-02-03 Method and apparatus for direct frame switching using frame contained destination information Nortel Networks Limited
66 US-2008002683-A1 67 2008-01-03 Virtual switch Sun Microsystems, Inc.
67 US-7764599-B2 67 2010-07-27 Network routing device and network routing method Alaxala Networks Corporation
68 US-7342916-B2 67 2008-03-11 Method, apparatus and system for optimizing routing of mobile IP packets Intel Corporation
69 US-2009031041-A1 67 2009-01-29 Forwarding system with multiple logical sub-system functionality 4198638 Canada Inc.
70 US-7283473-B2 67 2007-10-16 Apparatus, system and method for providing multiple logical channel adapters within a single physical channel adapter in a system area network International Business Machines Corporation
71 US-7555002-B2 67 2009-06-30 Infiniband general services queue pair virtualization for multiple logical ports on a single physical port International Business Machines Corporation
72 US-2002194369-A1 67 2002-12-19 Policy-based synchronization of per-class resources between routers in a data network Worldcom, Inc.
73 US-6539432-B1 66 2003-03-25 Network manager, nodes and network management system Hitachi, Ltd.
74 US-8166201-B2 65 2012-04-24 Configuring intercommunications between computing nodes Amazon Technologies, Inc.
75 US-5550816-A 65 1996-08-27 Method and apparatus for virtual switching Storage Technology Corporation
76 US-8224931-B1 65 2012-07-17 Managing use of intermediate destination computing nodes for provided computer networks Amazon Technologies, Inc.
77 US-2011134931-A1 65 2011-06-09 Virtual router migration Jacobus Van Der Merwe, Jennifer Lynn Rexford, Yi Wang
78 US-8055789-B2 65 2011-11-08 Configuring intercommunications between computing nodes Amazon Technologies, Inc.
79 US-8224971-B1 65 2012-07-17 Using virtual networking devices and routing information to initiate external actions Amazon Technologies, Inc.
80 US-2011310899-A1 64 2011-12-22 Distributed Virtual Network Gateways Microsoft Corporation
81 US-2010205479-A1 64 2010-08-12 Information system, data transfer method and data protection method Hiroaki Akutsu, Takashige Iwamura, Kenta Ninose, Yasuo Watanabe, Yasutomo Yamamoto, Yoshiaki Eguchi, Hisao Homma
82 US-2011261825-A1 64 2011-10-27 OpenFlow COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND OpenFlow COMMUNICATION METHOD Nec Corporation
83 US-2011142053-A1 64 2011-06-16 Methods and apparatus to communicatively couple virtual private networks to virtual machines within distributive computing networks Jacobus Van Der Merwe, Alexandre Gerber, Kadangode Ramakrishnan
84 US-8312129-B1 64 2012-11-13 Using virtual networking devices to connect managed computer networks Amazon Technologies, Inc.
85 US-2011085557-A1 64 2011-04-14 Partitioning of Switches and Fabrics into Logical Switches and Fabrics Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
86 US-8644188-B1 64 2014-02-04 Providing virtual networking functionality for managed computer networks Amazon Technologies, Inc.
87 US-2010275199-A1 64 2010-10-28 Traffic forwarding for virtual machines Cisco Technology, Inc.
88 US-7885276-B1 64 2011-02-08 Isolating network traffic in multi-tenant virtualization environments Emc Corporation
89 US-7792987-B1 64 2010-09-07 Supporting virtual private networks using a first network topology for forwarding and a subset of the first network topology or a smaller topology for signaling Juniper Networks, Inc.
90 US-2010131636-A1 64 2010-05-27 Application delivery control module for virtual network switch Vmware, Inc.
91 US-2008240122-A1 63 2008-10-02 Configuring intercommunications between computing nodes Richardson David R, Cohn Daniel T
92 US-2009279536-A1 62 2009-11-12 IP forwarding across a link state protocol controlled ethernet network Nortel Networks Limited
93 US-8456984-B2 62 2013-06-04 Virtualized shared protection capacity Ciena Corporation
94 US-8504718-B2 62 2013-08-06 System and method for a context layer switch Futurewei Technologies, Inc.
95 US-2011119748-A1 62 2011-05-19 Virtual computing infrastructure Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
96 US-2008071900-A1 61 2008-03-20 Device and a method for communicating in a network Wavestorm, Groupes Des Ecoles Des Telecommunications Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Telecommunications
97 US-6963585-B1 61 2005-11-08 Method and system for establishing a virtual path capability in a frame relay network International Business Machines Corporation
98 US-2005083953-A1 61 2005-04-21 System and method for providing redundant routing capabilities for a network node Ip Infusion Inc., A Delaware Corporation
99 US-2012014386-A1 61 2012-01-19 Delegate Gateways and Proxy for Target Hosts in Large Layer 2 and Address Resolution with Duplicated Internet Protocol Addresses Futurewei Technologies, Inc.
100 US-2011026521-A1 60 2011-02-03 Apparatus and methods for forwarding data packets captured from a network Gamage Nimal K K, Whitner Richard B, Bartz Thomas G
101 US-6219699-B1 60 2001-04-17 Multiple VLAN Architecture system Cisco Technologies, Inc.

Top Patent Document Citations, Sorted by Assignee
  • Provides a table with the same information as the previous Top Patent Document Citations table, except this table is sorted by assignee and is designed to identify the assignees with most significant intellectual property positions across the domain collection based on the total number of citations. This table aims to clearly show the corporations, educational institutions, individuals, or other entities that have broad positions in the IP sector profiled by the domain collection.
  • Like the previous table, the “Number of Patent Docs” column indicates the number of times the citation was referenced across all applications in the domain collection.
  • The “Tot Num of Patent Docs” column indicates the total number of patent application citations on an assignee basis. This number is computed by examining the citations per assignee and then summing the number of times those citations are referenced across the domain collection. The default sorting of the table ranks assignees in descending order of “Tot Num of Patent Docs” and thus provides an indication of the assignee’s intellectual property position in the domain area.
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Citation Publication Num Linked Number of Patent Docs Publication Date Citation Title Assignees Tot Num of Patent Docs
0 WO-2013184846-A1 97 2013-12-12 Physical path determination for virtual network packet flows Juniper Networks, Inc. 722
1 WO-2013184846-A1 97 2013-12-12 Détermination d'un chemin physique pour les flux de paquets de réseau virtuel Juniper Networks, Inc. 722
2 US-7948986-B1 96 2011-05-24 Applying services within MPLS networks Juniper Networks, Inc. 722
3 US-2013332602-A1 80 2013-12-12 Physical path determination for virtual network packet flows Juniper Networks, Inc. 722
4 US-7826482-B1 76 2010-11-02 Service-specific forwarding in an LDP-RSVP hybrid network Juniper Networks, Inc. 722
5 US-8339959-B1 74 2012-12-25 Streamlined packet forwarding using dynamic filters for routing and security in a shared forwarding plane Juniper Networks, Inc. 722
6 US-8054832-B1 71 2011-11-08 Methods and apparatus for routing between virtual resources based on a routing location policy Juniper Networks, Inc. 722
7 US-7995483-B1 67 2011-08-09 Simultaneously testing connectivity to multiple remote maintenance endpoints of the same maintenance association Juniper Networks, Inc. 722
8 US-7792987-B1 64 2010-09-07 Supporting virtual private networks using a first network topology for forwarding and a subset of the first network topology or a smaller topology for signaling Juniper Networks, Inc. 722
9 US-7937438-B1 78 2011-05-03 Using virtual networking devices to manage external connections Amazon Technologies, Inc. 609
10 US-8046456-B1 75 2011-10-25 Using virtual networking devices to manage external connections Amazon Technologies, Inc. 609
11 US-7953865-B1 68 2011-05-31 Using virtual networking devices to manage routing communications between connected computer networks Amazon Technologies, Inc. 609
12 US-8166201-B2 65 2012-04-24 Configuring intercommunications between computing nodes Amazon Technologies, Inc. 609
13 US-8224931-B1 65 2012-07-17 Managing use of intermediate destination computing nodes for provided computer networks Amazon Technologies, Inc. 609
14 US-8055789-B2 65 2011-11-08 Configuring intercommunications between computing nodes Amazon Technologies, Inc. 609
15 US-8224971-B1 65 2012-07-17 Using virtual networking devices and routing information to initiate external actions Amazon Technologies, Inc. 609
16 US-8312129-B1 64 2012-11-13 Using virtual networking devices to connect managed computer networks Amazon Technologies, Inc. 609
17 US-8644188-B1 64 2014-02-04 Providing virtual networking functionality for managed computer networks Amazon Technologies, Inc. 609
18 US-7710874-B2 76 2010-05-04 System and method for automatic management of many computer data processing system pipes International Business Machines Corporation 556
19 US-2005018669-A1 76 2005-01-27 Infiniband subnet management queue pair emulation for multiple logical ports on a single physical port International Business Machines Corporation 556
20 US-2004267866-A1 75 2004-12-30 Virtual machine connection to a tangible network International Business Machines Corporation 556
21 US-2006221961-A1 67 2006-10-05 Network communications for operating system partitions International Business Machines Corporation 556
22 US-8265075-B2 67 2012-09-11 Method and apparatus for managing, configuring, and controlling an I/O virtualization device through a network switch International Business Machines Corporation 556
23 US-7283473-B2 67 2007-10-16 Apparatus, system and method for providing multiple logical channel adapters within a single physical channel adapter in a system area network International Business Machines Corporation 556
24 US-7555002-B2 67 2009-06-30 Infiniband general services queue pair virtualization for multiple logical ports on a single physical port International Business Machines Corporation 556
25 US-6963585-B1 61 2005-11-08 Method and system for establishing a virtual path capability in a frame relay network International Business Machines Corporation 556
26 US-7649851-B2 76 2010-01-19 Virtual network management method, virtual network management program, virtual network management system, and virtual network means Hitachi, Ltd. 291
27 US-6512745-B1 76 2003-01-28 Packet switching network, packet switching equipment, and network management equipment Hitachi, Ltd. 291
28 US-7046630-B2 73 2006-05-16 Packet switching network, packet switching equipment and network management equipment Hitachi, Ltd. 291
29 US-6539432-B1 66 2003-03-25 Network manager, nodes and network management system Hitachi, Ltd. 291
30 US-8027354-B1 81 2011-09-27 Network consolidation for virtualized servers Cisco Technology, Inc. 214
31 US-2010214949-A1 69 2010-08-26 Distributed data center access switch Cisco Technology, Inc. 214
32 US-2010275199-A1 64 2010-10-28 Traffic forwarding for virtual machines Cisco Technology, Inc. 214
33 US-2009292858-A1 82 2009-11-26 Distributed Virtual Switch for Virtualized Computer Systems Vmware, Inc. 213
34 US-8060875-B1 67 2011-11-15 System and method for multiple virtual teams Vmware, Inc. 213
35 US-2010131636-A1 64 2010-05-27 Application delivery control module for virtual network switch Vmware, Inc. 213
36 US-6680934-B1 76 2004-01-20 System, device and method for expediting control flow in a communication system Nortel Networks Limited 205
37 US-2005027881-A1 67 2005-02-03 Method and apparatus for direct frame switching using frame contained destination information Nortel Networks Limited 205
38 US-2009279536-A1 62 2009-11-12 IP forwarding across a link state protocol controlled ethernet network Nortel Networks Limited 205
39 US-8339994-B2 71 2012-12-25 Defining an optimal topology for a group of logical switches Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. 202
40 US-2011085559-A1 67 2011-04-14 Transit Switches in a Network of Logical Switches Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. 202
41 US-2011085557-A1 64 2011-04-14 Partitioning of Switches and Fabrics into Logical Switches and Fabrics Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. 202
42 WO-2008095010-A1 78 2008-08-07 Infrastructure de commutation de réseau sécurisé The Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Jr. University, International Computer Science Institute, The Regents Of The University Of California 156
43 WO-2008095010-A1 78 2008-08-07 Secure network switching infrastructure The Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Jr. University, International Computer Science Institute, The Regents Of The University Of California 156
44 US-2009150527-A1 73 2009-06-11 Method and system for reconfiguring a virtual network path Sun Microsystems, Inc. 140
45 US-2008002683-A1 67 2008-01-03 Virtual switch Sun Microsystems, Inc. 140
46 US-2008291910-A1 71 2008-11-27 Transitioning a Virtual Interface from One Tunnel to Another Tunnel World Wide Packets, Inc. 138
47 US-8199750-B1 67 2012-06-12 Communicating with a control plane using a forwarding information format and control plane processing of packets devoid of a virtual switch identifier World Wide Packets, Inc. 138
48 US-2009303880-A1 72 2009-12-10 Data center interconnect and traffic engineering Microsoft Corporation 136
49 US-2011310899-A1 64 2011-12-22 Distributed Virtual Network Gateways Microsoft Corporation 136
50 US-2006026225-A1 67 2006-02-02 Shared resources in a multi manager environment Alcatel 134
51 US-2005132044-A1 67 2005-06-16 Distributed architecture for real-time flow measurement at the network domain level Alcatel 134
52 US-8504718-B2 62 2013-08-06 System and method for a context layer switch Futurewei Technologies, Inc. 123
53 US-2012014386-A1 61 2012-01-19 Delegate Gateways and Proxy for Target Hosts in Large Layer 2 and Address Resolution with Duplicated Internet Protocol Addresses Futurewei Technologies, Inc. 123
54 US-2008225853-A1 94 2008-09-18 Logical bridging system and method Melman David, Nir Arad, Bshara Nafea 94
55 US-7818452-B2 85 2010-10-19 Distributed virtual system to support managed, network-based services Fortinet, Inc. 85
56 US-5751967-A 84 1998-05-12 Method and apparatus for automatically configuring a network device to support a virtual network Bay Networks Group, Inc. 84
57 US-2010257263-A1 82 2010-10-07 Method and apparatus for implementing and managing virtual switches Nicira Networks, Inc. 82
58 US-8223668-B2 82 2012-07-17 Method and apparatus for exchanging routing information and the establishment of connectivity across multiple network areas Rockstar Bidco Lp 82
59 US-7606260-B2 78 2009-10-20 Virtual path configuration apparatus, virtual path configuration method, and computer product Fujitsu Limited 78
60 US-2008049621-A1 78 2008-02-28 Connection-Oriented Communications Scheme For Connection-Less Communications Traffic Mcguire Alan, Reid Andrew B 78
61 US-5504921-A 77 1996-04-02 Network management system using model-based intelligence Cabletron Systems, Inc. 77
62 US-2006092976-A1 77 2006-05-04 Softrouter separate control network Lucent Technologies Inc. 77
63 US-2009161547-A1 77 2009-06-25 Compression Mechanisms for Control Plane-Data Plane Processing Architectures Packeteer, Inc. 77
64 US-7450598-B2 76 2008-11-11 System and method to provision MPLS/VPN network At&T Intellectual Property I, L.P. 76
65 US-5729685-A 76 1998-03-17 Apparatus for determining the topology of an ATM network or the like Via communication of topology information between a central manager and switches in the network over a virtual service path Bay Networks, Inc. 76
66 US-2004073659-A1 76 2004-04-15 Method and apparatus for managing nodes in a network Carl Rajsic, Antonio Petti, Martin Charbonneau, Tarek Radi 76
67 US-2004098505-A1 76 2004-05-20 Forwarding system with multiple logical sub-system functionality Clemmensen Daniel G. 76
68 US-2008002579-A1 76 2008-01-03 Arrangement and a Method Relating to Flow of Packets in Communication Systems Fredrik Lindholm, Henrik Basilier 76
69 US-7209439-B2 76 2007-04-24 Pool-based resource management in a data network Mci, Llc 76
70 US-6785843-B1 76 2004-08-31 Data plane restart without state change in a control plane of an intermediate network node Mcrae Andrew, Johannes Markus Hoerler 76
71 US-6104699-A 76 2000-08-15 Method and device for partitioning physical network resources Telefonaktiebolget Lm Ericsson 76
72 US-2002093952-A1 73 2002-07-18 Method for managing circuits in a multistage cross connect Gonda Rumi Sheryar 73
73 US-7478173-B1 73 2009-01-13 Method and system for sharing a network connection in a virtual computer system Wmware, Inc. 73
74 US-2010165877-A1 72 2010-07-01 Methods and apparatus for distributed dynamic network provisioning Amit Shukla, Xiangwen Xu 72
75 US-2009083445-A1 72 2009-03-26 Method and system for virtual port communications Ganga Ilango S 72
76 US-2010169467-A1 71 2010-07-01 Method and apparatus for determining a network topology during network provisioning Amit Shukla, Arthi Ayyangar 71
77 US-2009031041-A1 67 2009-01-29 Forwarding system with multiple logical sub-system functionality 4198638 Canada Inc. 67
78 US-7764599-B2 67 2010-07-27 Network routing device and network routing method Alaxala Networks Corporation 67
79 US-8155028-B2 67 2012-04-10 Method and apparatus for providing full logical connectivity in MPLS networks Alcatel Lucent 67
80 US-2010115101-A1 67 2010-05-06 Distributed network connection policy management Antonio Lain, Patrick Goldsack 67
81 US-2009122710-A1 67 2009-05-14 Event correlation using network data flow simulation over unmanaged network segments Chen Bar-Tor, Harold Lawenthal 67
82 US-7936770-B1 67 2011-05-03 Method and apparatus of virtual class of service and logical queue representation through network traffic distribution over multiple port interfaces Enterasys Networks, Inc. 67
83 US-2010046531-A1 67 2010-02-25 Autonomic network node system Groupe Des Ecoles Des Telecommunications (Get) Institut National Des Telecommunications (Int) 67
84 US-8031633-B2 67 2011-10-04 Virtual network architecture for space data processing Honeywell International Inc. 67
85 US-7342916-B2 67 2008-03-11 Method, apparatus and system for optimizing routing of mobile IP packets Intel Corporation 67
86 US-2007297428-A1 67 2007-12-27 Port pooling Patrick Glen Bose, Ky Tong Vong, Shrikant Jay Vaidya 67
87 US-2010153554-A1 67 2010-06-17 Method and apparatus for providing network virtualization Thomas Anschutz, Alan Blackburn 67
88 US-2002194369-A1 67 2002-12-19 Policy-based synchronization of per-class resources between routers in a data network Worldcom, Inc. 67
89 US-2011134931-A1 65 2011-06-09 Virtual router migration Jacobus Van Der Merwe, Jennifer Lynn Rexford, Yi Wang 65
90 US-5550816-A 65 1996-08-27 Method and apparatus for virtual switching Storage Technology Corporation 65
91 US-7885276-B1 64 2011-02-08 Isolating network traffic in multi-tenant virtualization environments Emc Corporation 64
92 US-2010205479-A1 64 2010-08-12 Information system, data transfer method and data protection method Hiroaki Akutsu, Takashige Iwamura, Kenta Ninose, Yasuo Watanabe, Yasutomo Yamamoto, Yoshiaki Eguchi, Hisao Homma 64
93 US-2011142053-A1 64 2011-06-16 Methods and apparatus to communicatively couple virtual private networks to virtual machines within distributive computing networks Jacobus Van Der Merwe, Alexandre Gerber, Kadangode Ramakrishnan 64
94 US-2011261825-A1 64 2011-10-27 OpenFlow COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND OpenFlow COMMUNICATION METHOD Nec Corporation 64
95 US-2008240122-A1 63 2008-10-02 Configuring intercommunications between computing nodes Richardson David R, Cohn Daniel T 63
96 US-8456984-B2 62 2013-06-04 Virtualized shared protection capacity Ciena Corporation 62
97 US-2011119748-A1 62 2011-05-19 Virtual computing infrastructure Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 62
98 US-2005083953-A1 61 2005-04-21 System and method for providing redundant routing capabilities for a network node Ip Infusion Inc., A Delaware Corporation 61
99 US-2008071900-A1 61 2008-03-20 Device and a method for communicating in a network Wavestorm, Groupes Des Ecoles Des Telecommunications Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Telecommunications 61
100 US-6219699-B1 60 2001-04-17 Multiple VLAN Architecture system Cisco Technologies, Inc. 60
101 US-2011026521-A1 60 2011-02-03 Apparatus and methods for forwarding data packets captured from a network Gamage Nimal K K, Whitner Richard B, Bartz Thomas G 60

Top Non-Patent Literature Citations
  • Provides a table that identifies the most cited non-patent literature references across the domain collection and is designed to identify the most significant references beyond the patent document citations.
  • The “Number of Patent Docs” column indicates the number of times the non-patent literature citation was referenced across all applications in the domain collection.
  • Click on column headings to sort.
  • Use the Search box to search on any column.

Index Citation NPL Text Number of Patent Docs
0 Mogul, Jeffrey C., et al., "API Design Challenges for Open Router Platforms on Proprietary Hardware," Oct. 2008, pp. 1-6. 57
1 Anderson, Thomas, et al., "Overcoming the Internet Impasse through Virtualization," Apr. 2005, pp. 34-41, IEEE Computer Society. 55
2 Luo, Jianying, et al., "Prototyping Fast, Simple, Secure Switches for Ethane," Month Unknown, 2007, pp. 1-6. 55
3 Turner, Jonathan S., "A Proposed Architecture for the GENI Backbone Platform," ANCS'06, Dec. 3-5, 2006, 10 pages, ACM, San Jose, California, USA. 55
4 Casado, Martin, et al., "Virtualizing the Network Forwarding Plane," Dec. 2010, pp. 1-6. 55
5 Lakshminarayanan, Karthik, et al., "Routing as a Service," Month Unknown, 2004, pp. 1-15, Berkeley, California. 55
6 Congdon, Paul, "Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator Standards body Discussion," Nov. 10, 2008, pp. 1-26, HP. 55
7 Yang, L., et al., "Forwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES) Framework," Apr. 2004, pp. 1-40, The Internet Society. 55
8 Kamath, Daya, et. al., "Edge virtual Bridge Proposal, Version 0. Rev. 0.1," Apr. 23, 2010, pp. 1-72, IEEE. 55
9 Greenberg, Albert, et al., "A Clean Slate 4D Approach to Network Control and Management," ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Oct. 2005, 12 pages, vol. 35, No. 5. 55
10 Guo, Chanxiong, et al., "BCube: A High Performance, Server-centric Network Architecture for Modular Data Centers," SIGCOMM'09, Aug. 17-21, 2009, pp. 1-12, ACM, Barcelona, Spain. 54
11 Greenberg, Albert, et al., "VL2: A Scalable and Flexible Data Center Network," SIGCOMM'09, Aug. 17-21, 2009, pp. 51-62, ACM, Barcelona, Spain. 54
12 Author Unknown, "Virtual Machine Device Queues," White Paper, Month Unknown, 2007, pp. 1-4, Intel Corporation. 54
13 Farrel, A., "A Path Computation Element (PCS)-Based Architecture," Aug. 2006, pp. 1-41, RFC 4655. 54
14 Casado, Martin, et al. "Ethane: Taking Control of the Enterprise," SIGCOMM'07, Aug. 27-31, 2007, pp. 1-12, ACM, Kyoto, Japan. 54
15 McKeown, Nick, et al., "OpenFlow: Enabling Innovation in Campus Networks," ACS SIGCOMM Computer communication Review, Apr. 2008, pp. 69-74, vol. 38, No. 2. 53
16 Bhatia, Sapan, et al., "Trellis: A Platform for Building Flexible, Fast Virtual Networks on Commodity Hardware," ROADS'08, Dec. 9, 2008, pp. 1-6, Madrid, Spain, ACM. 52
17 Anhalt, Fabienne, et al., "Analysis and evaluation of a XEN based virtual router," Sep. 2008, pp. 1-60, Unite de recherché INRA Phone-Alpes, Montbonnot Saint-Ismier, France. 52
18 Casado, Martin, et al., "Rethinking Packet Forwarding Hardware," Seventh ACM SIGCOMM' HotNets Workshop, Nov. 2008, pp. 1-6, ACM. 51
19 Pettit, Justin, et al., "Virtual Switching in an Era of Advanced Edges," Sep. 2010, 7 pages. 51
20 Koponen, Teemu, et al., "Onix: A Distributed Control Platform for Large-scale Production Networks," In Proc. OSDI, Oct. 2010, pp. 1-14. 51
21 Bavier, Andy, et. al., "In VINI Veritas: Realistic and Controlled Network Experimentation," SIGCOMM'06, Sep. 2006, pp. 1-14, Pisa, Italy. 50
22 Casado, Martin, et al., "SANE: A Protection Architecture for Enterprise Networks," In proceedings of Usenix Security, Aug. 2006, pp. 1-15. 48
23 Enns, R., "NETCONF Configuration Protocol," Dec. 2006, pp. 1-96, IETF Trust (RFC 4741). 47
24 Wang, Yi, et al., "Virtual Routers on the Move: Live Router Migration as a Network-management Primitive," SIGCOMM 08, Aug. 17-22, 2008, 12 pages, ACM, Seattle, Washington, USA. 47
25 Author Unknown , "Single Root I/O Virtualization and Sharing Specification, Revision 1.0," Sep. 11, 2007, pp. 1-84, PCI-SIG. 47
26 Gude, Natasha, et al., "NOX: Towards an Operating System for Networks," ACM SIGCOMM Computer communication Review, Jul. 2008, pp. 105-110, vol. 38, No. 3. 47
27 Author Unknown, "HP OpenView Operations 8.0 for UNIX Developer's Toolkit," Month Unlknown, 2004, pp. 1-4, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, HP. 47
28 Hinrichs, Timothy L., et al., "Practical Declarative Network Management," WREN'09, Aug. 21, 2009, pp. 1-10, Barcelona, Spain. 47
29 Spalink, Tammo, et al., "Building a Robust Software-Based Router Using Network Processors," Month Unknown, 2001, pp. 216-229, ACM, Banff, CA. 47
30 Author Unknown, "HP OpenView Enterprise Management Starter Solution," Jun. 2006, p. 1-4, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, HP. 47
31 Author Unknown , "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks-Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks, Amendment 5: Connectivity Fault Management," IEEE Std 802.1ag, Dec. 17, 2007, 260 pages, IEEE, New York, NY, USA. 47
32 Pelissier, Joe, "Network Interface Virtualization Review," Jan. 2009, pp. 1-38. 47
33 Ioannidis, Sotiris, et al., "Implementing a Distributed Firewall," CCS'00, Month Unknown, 2000, pp. 1-10, ACM, Athens, Greece. 46
34 Author Unknown , "Citrix Launches New XenServer Release as Market Share Growth Continues," Oct. 6, 2010, 3 pages, Citrix Systems, Inc. ( 46
35 Author Unknown , "Introduction to VMware Infrastructure: ESX Server 3.5, ESX Server 3i version 3.5, VirtualCenter 2.5," Revision Dec. 13, 2007, pp. 1-46, VMware, Inc., Palo Alto, California, USA. 46
36 Author Unknown , "Cisco Nexis 1000V Series Switches," Date Unknown but prior to Jul. 29, 2010, 2 pages, Cisco Systems, Inc., 46
37 Sherwood, Rob, et al., "Carving Research Slices Out of Your Production Networks with OpenFlow," ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review, Jan. 2010, pp. 129-130, vol. 40, No. 1. 46
38 Tavakoli, Arsalan, et al., "Applying NOX to the Datacenter," Proc. HotNets, Month Unknown, 2009, 6 pages. 46
39 Farinacci, D., et al., "Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)," Mar. 2000, pp. 1-9, The Internet Society (RFC 2784). 46
40 Yu, Minlan, et al., "Scalable Flow-Based Networking with DIFANE," In Proc. SIGCOMM Aug. 2010, 16 pages. 45
41 Sherwood, Rob, et al., "Can the Production Network Be the Testbed?," Month Unknown, 2010, pp. 1-14. 45
42 Davoli, Renzo, "VDE: Virtual Distributed Ethernet," TRIDENTCOM'05, Feb. 23-25, 2005, pp. 1-8, IEEE Computer Society. 45
43 Barham, Paul, et al., "Xen and the Art of Virtualization," Oct. 19-22, 2003, pp. 1-14, SOSP'03, Bolton Landing New York, USA. 45
44 Ballani, Hitesh, et al., "Making Routers Last Longer with ViAggre," NSDI'09: 6th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, Apr. 2009, pp. 453-466, USENIX Association. 44
45 Cai, Zheng, et al., "The Preliminary Design and Implementation of the Maestro Network Control Platform," Oct. 1, 2008, pp. 1-17, NSF. 44
46 Keller, Eric, et al., "The 'Platform as a Service' Model for Networking," Month Unknown, 2010, pp. 1-6. 44
47 Touch, J., et al., "Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL): Problem and Applicability Statement," May 2009, pp. 1-17, IETF Trust, RFC 5556. 43
48 Dobrescu, Mihai, et al., "RouteBricks: Exploiting Parallelism to Scale Software Routers," SOSP'09, Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 22nd Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Oct. 2009, pp. 1-17, ACM New York, NY. 43
49 Pelissier, Joe, "VNTag 101," May 2008, pp. 1-87. 43
50 Das, Suarav, et al., "Unifying Packet and Circuit Switched Networks with OpenFlow," Dec. 7, 2009, 10 pages. 43
51 Author Unknown , "HP Web Jetadmin Integration into HP OpenView Network Node Manager," Feb. 2004, pp. 1-12, HP. 43
52 Das, Suarav, et al. "Simple Unified Control for Packet and Circuit Networks," Month Unknown, 2009, pp. 147-148, IEEE. 42
53 Turner, Jon, et al., "Supercharging PlanetLab-High Performance, Multi-Application Overlay Network Platform," SIGCOMM-07, Aug. 27-31, 2007, 12 pages, ACM, Koyoto, Japan. 41
54 Anwer, Muhammad Bilal, et al., "Building a Fast, Virtualized Data Plane with Programmable Hardware," Aug. 17, 2009, pp. 1-8, VISA'09, Barcelona, Spain, ACM. 40
55 Dixon, Colin, et al., "An End to the Middle," Proceedings of the 12th conference on Hot topics in operating systems USENIX Association, May 2009, pp. 1-5, Berkeley, CA, USA. 40
56 Sherwood, Rob, et al., "FlowVisor: A Network Virtualization Layer," Oct. 14, 2009, pp. 1-14, OPENFLOW-TR-2009-1. 40
57 Caesar, Matthew, et al., "Design and Implementation of a Routing Control Platform," NSDI '05: 2nd Symposium on Networked Systems Design & Implementation , Apr. 2005, pp. 15-28, Usenix Association. 40
58 Author Unknown, "Private Network-Network Interface Specification Version 1.1 (PNNI 1.1)," The ATM Forum Technical Committee, Apr. 2002, 536 pages, The ATM Forum. 39
59 Fischer, Anna, "[PATCH][RFC] net/bridge: add basic VEPA support," Jun. 2009, pp. 1-5, GMANE Org. 39
60 Author Unknown, "OpenFlow Switch Specification, Version 0.9.0 (Wire Protocol 0x98)," Jul. 20, 2009, pp. 1-36, Open Networking Foundation. 37
61 Garfinkel, Tal, et al., "A Virtual Machine Introspection Based Architecture for Intrusion Detection," In Proc. Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium, Feb. 2003, pp. 1-16. 36
62 Author Unknown , "Open vSwitch, An Open Virtual Switch," Date Unknown but prior to Dec. 30, 2010, 2 pages,, Open vSwitch. 36
63 Adya, Atul, et al., "Cooperative Task Management without Manual Stack Management," Jun. 2002, 14 pages, Proceedings of the Usenix Annual Technical Conference, Monterey, CA, USA. 36
64 Cooper, Brian F., et al., "PNUTS: Yahoo!'s Hosted Data Serving Platform," VLDB'08, Aug. 24-30, 2008, pp. 1-12, ACM , Auckland, New Zealand. 35
65 Shenker, Scott, et al., "The Future of Networking, and the Past of Protocols," Dec. 2, 2011, pp. 1-30, USA. 35
66 Hamilton, James, et al., "Datacenter Networks Are in My Way," Principals of Amazon Series, Oct. 28, 2010, pp. 1-14. 34
67 Loo, Boon Thau, et al., "Declarative Routing: Extensible Routing with Declarative Queries," In Proc. of SIGCOMM, Aug. 21-26, 2005, 14 pages, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 34
68 Greenhalgh, Adam, et al., "Flow Processing and the Rise of Commodity Network Hardware," ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Apr. 2009, pp. 21-26, vol. 39, No. 2. 34
69 Andersen, David, et al., "Resilient Overlay Networks," Oct. 2001, 15 pages, 18th ACM Symp. on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), Banff, Canada, ACM. 34
70 Mysore, Radhka Niranjan, et al., "PortLand: A Scalable Fault-Tolerant Layer 2 Data Center Network Fabric," Proc. of SIGCOMM, Aug. 17-21, 2009, pp. 1-12. 33
71 Foster, Nate, et al., "Frenetic: A Network Programming Language," ICFP '11, Sep. 19-21, 2011, 13 pages, Tokyo, Japan. 33
72 Author Unknown, "Intel 82599 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller: Datasheet, Revision: 2.73," Dec. 2011, 930 pages, Intel Corporation. 33
73 Author Unknown, OpenFlow Switch Specification, Version 1.0.0 (Wire Protocol 0x01), Dec. 31, 2009, pp. 1-42, Open Networking Foundation. 33
74 Laurent, Ciavaglia, et al., "Autonomic network engineering for the self-managing Future Internet (AFI); Generic Autonomic Network Architecture (An Architectural Reference Model for Autonomic Networking, Cognitive Networking and Self-Management)," Apr. 2013, ETSI, France, Part 1 of 2, pp. 1-79. 32
75 Laurent, Ciavaglia, et al., "Autonomic network engineering for the self-managing Future Internet (AFI); Generic Autonomic Network Architecture (An Architectural Reference Model for Autonomic Networking, Cognitive Networking and Self-Management)," Apr. 2013, ETSI, France, Part 2 of 2, pp. 80-167. 32
76 Casado, Martin, et al., "Scaling Out: Network Virtualization Revisited," Month Unknown, 2010, pp. 1-8. 32
77 Author Unknown , "Cisco VN-Link: Virtualization-Aware Networking," Month Unknown, 2009, 10 pages, Cisco Systems, Inc. 32
78 Pfaff, Ben., et al., "Extending Networking into the Virtualization Layer," Proc. of HotNets, Oct. 2009, pp. 1-6. 30
79 Kim, Changhoon, et al., "Floodless in SEATTLE: A Scalable Ethernet Architecture for Large Enterprises," SIGCOMM'08, Aug. 17-22, 2008, pp. 3-14, ACM, Seattle, Washington, USA. 27
80 Kohler, Eddie, et al., "The Click Modular Router," ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, Aug. 2000, 34 pages, vol. 18, No. 3. 25
81 L. Eggert, et al., "Unicast UDP Usage Guidelines for Application Designers," Nov. 2008, 27 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 5405, IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. 25
82 "Transmission Control Protocol, DARPA Internet Program Protocol Specification," Sep. 1981, 91 pages, RFC: 793, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, Marina del Rey, California. 25
83 B. Fenner, et al., "Management Information Base for the User Datagram Protocol (UDP)," Jun. 2005, 19 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 4113, The Internet Society. 25
84 Hunt, Patrick, et al., "ZooKeeper: Wait-free Coordination for Internet-Scale Systems," Proc. of Usenix Annual Technical Conference, Month Unknown, 2010, pp. 1-14. 25
85 T. Socolofsky, et al., "A TCP/IP Tutorial," Jan. 1991, 28 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 1180. 25
86 D. Borman, et al., "IPv6 Jumbograms," Aug. 1999, 9 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 2675, The Internet Society. 25
87 D. Black, et al., "Per Hop Behavior Identification Codes," Jun. 2001, 8 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 3140, The Internet Society. 25
88 D. Black, "Differentiated Services and Tunnels," Oct. 2000, 14 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 2983, The Internet Society. 25
89 S. Deering, et al., "Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification," Dec. 1998, 39 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 2460, The Internet Society. 25
90 F. Baker, et al., "Management Information Base for the Differentiated Services Architecture," May 2002, 116 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 3289, The Internet Society. 25
91 S. Blake, et al., "An Architecture for Differentiated Services," Dec. 1998, 36 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 2475, The Internet Society. 25
92 Rosen, E., et al., "Applicability Statement for BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)," The Internet Society, RFC 4365, Feb. 2006, pp. 1-32. 24
93 D. Grossman, "New Terminology and Clarifications for Diffserv," Apr. 2002, 10 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 3260, The Internet Society. 24
94 Joseph, Dilip, et al., "A Policy-aware Switching Layer for Date Centers," Jun. 24, 2008, 26 pages, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. 24
95 B. Davie, et al., "An Expedited Forwarding PHB (Per-Hop Behavior)," Mar. 2002, 16 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 3246, The Internet Society. 24
96 J. Postel, "User Datagram Protocol," Aug. 28, 1980, 3 pages, RFC: 768. 24
97 K. Nichols, et al., "Definition of Differentiated Services Per Domain Behaviors and Rules for their Specification," Apr. 2001, 24 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 3086, The Internet Society. 24
98 Partridge, Craig, et al., "A 50-Gb/s IP Router," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Jun. 1998, pp. 237-248. 24
99 K. Nichols, et al., "Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers," Dec. 1998, 20 pages, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 2474, The Internet Society. 24

Top Inventive CPC Group Code Numbers
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  • The CPC group code is shown as the first four alphanumberic characters of the "CPC Group Code Number" field. This represents a macro-level description of the inventive ideas. The CPC group number is represented as the numeric digits following the group code and represents an additional level of detail. Thus the "CPC Group Title" and "CPC Group Number Title" together provide two levels of description of the inventive technologies used in patent documents across the domain collection.
  • The “Percent of Top 250 Group Numbers” column indicates the concentration of the inventive ideas in the designated CPC group number across the top 250 group numbers in the domain collection. Patent documents can be assigned multiple CPC codes representing potentially different inventive ideas embodied in the document.
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